1 Bus 1040 Project Management Week 5 Bus 1040 Project Management Week 5 Agenda: Web presentations A Student handout Scheduling lecture, Network Diagrams, Critical paths. GANTT charts Forms Groups for Final Project. Sign Preliminary Charter for Group Responsibility Matrix Communication Matrix Review forms submitted by Group Members – assign marks MS Project in Lab - applied
2 Learning Review Project definition = Develop S.O.W (Purpose, scope, deliverables, responsibilities). Risk management strategy Work breakdown structure- relationships Schedule-calculate CP and Float Assign and level resources Redefine any/all above to achieve cost, time and quality equilibrium/baseline Continue to redefine
3 Todays class as a WBS
4 Plan/Scheduling overview – p.102. p Definition, S.O.W., Risks, WBS, Estimates, Resources? Take the WBS work packages and sequence them Sequence: whats now, before, after and same time Finalize time and cost estimates. ES, LS etc. Determine critical path Determine floats or slack Assign and level the resources
5 WBS into a Schedule - review Take your WBS house build items Remove the Summary tasks Arrange the tasks into a Network diagram Use Predecessors given Calculate the critical path Create Gantt chart. Put the Summary tasks back in and the time lines
6 Scheduling, Verzuh book – p P. 120 for a characteristics of good scheduling What scheduling challenges do you experience in your life? How can P.M. method help? Would P.E.R.T. calculation help? R=O+P+4M/6 Start with data and requirements
7 Scheduling and predecessors review What now? What comes before? What comes after? What can be done at the same time?
8 Try this Scheduling warm up using Predecessors TaskPredecessorTime ANone4 B 6 CA, B3 DC2 E B 5 EDCBA
9 Case – Landscape Project on p. 137 or Use Supplementary handout provided. Determine the Critical Path Note that Task # and Duration for each Work Package Add the time for each path –top right box follow arrows The longest path is the Critical path. What is the Critical path for this project? Write the path name. E.g. 1, 3, 11, 7, 7, 8, 12
10 P.E.R.T. elements on the network diagram Be able to draw a box as per book showing above. Float/slack: Look at the PERT box and note difference between the ES and the LS times. Critical path is defined by the overall times of PERT boxes in which there is no float. Where do we get this info. from? ES = Earliest Start. EF Earliest Finish. LS = Latest Start LF=Latest Finish Task ID # Time (duration) ESLS EFLF Float
11 Using Suppl. Handout from p. 137 Confirm the Float or Slack on a couple of tasks Understand Forward pass and Backward pass Backward means completing PERT box info. and calculating floats working from Finish backwards (pass) to Start Why would this be useful in your life? Critical Path –Float/Slack
12 Slack or float-another look, p The Graph example I have provided below shows both the ES minus LS = Float and the EF minus LF = Float. How could you use this for planning your study times? #2 #3#3 #3#3 #3#3 #3#3 #4#4 #3#3 #3#3 #3#3 #3#3 #4#4 Task. # 3Time. 4 days Earliest start. 5Latest start 8 EF 12LF 15 Float 7days # 3 FLOAT TIME 7 DAYS P.E.R.T. Box. ESEF LSLF
13 Review scheduling What s the formula for P.E.R.T.? Define critical path Which comes first – WBS or Schedule? Visit learnedwww.spmn.com/lessons Why do we teams use the GANTT rather than Network diagrams? To calculate Float show a simple equation. ? Minus ? Given a list with predecessors could you draw a net work diagram. Go to class web site for link and try the example. Are you ready to take a list, estimate it, create a WBS from it, draw a Network diagram and convert it into A GANTT chart?
14 Form Groups for Final Group Project Mix and mingle if necessary Five-six persons to a group Select a Project Manager Decide on your project – or discuss Sign a Charter and hand in to Instructor committing to work together – name project if decided – get approval so there is no duplication. See detailed handout for marking scheme, timelines
15 Forms you have collected from web What do you do with them? Share them with your group and discuss. Decide which sample of form you wan to include in your Final Group Project. Modify the form or start completing it to start your project. Assign one person the Responsibility of keeping a form inventory as more forms are located. PM assigns marks for forms submitted
16 MS Project – in Lab - applied to house build/schedule Set up GANTT chart Set time Start or Finish date Set time zone on GANTT chart Enter Task list Enter time Enter Predecessors Click to Network diagram Enter resources – find conflicts.
17 MS Project advanced. Landscape Project Verzuh page 124 or 128 Type all the 21 items into task lists Use the Summary arrows to identify Summary tasks Enter times Enter predecessors – Freds list Names of employees Resources to be used
18 Next week – Wk. 6 –Mid Term review Resource considerations Mid Term Test review Note Verzuh web link for exam review Finalize project selection and or work on project in class or lab MS Project review in lab.
19 Pentneys Pulpit Pentneys Pulpit Do you carefully Define what you are going to do? Do you establish Priorities? Do you make up Task lists daily/weekly? Do you Estimate times and $? Do you Schedule your planned tasks? Do you confirm and level your Resources? Do you have a lessons learned process? If you keep doing what youve been doing youll keep getting what youve been getting! Project management is also change management.
20 Home assignment Move your project ahead with your Group Make up a Hi level Responsibility Matrix. 1. Create a WBS for your part of the project. Use P.Point 2. Create a GANTT chart from the WBS 3. Create Network Diagram from the WBS Use MS Project software for making #2 and 3 Bring the three above documents to class in Wk. 6 and receive 2 marks