Conductors and Insulators 07/12/2018 Conductors and Insulators Learning Objective: Make and explain predictions about circuits. Support predictions by demonstration circuits, or circuit diagrams. To recognise which materials are better conductors than others. Starter: Match up activity
Match up the components to the description Short description Switch Turns the circuit off if too much current flows Fuse Several cells connected together Ammeter A very good conductor Connecting Wires Changes electrical energy into heat and light energy. Bulb Instrument used to measure the size of the current. Battery Opening and closing them makes circuits complete or incomplete. 07/12/2018 Match up the components to the description
Match up the components to the description Short description Switch Turns the circuit off if too much current flows Fuse Several cells connected together Ammeter A very good conductor Connecting Wires Changes electrical energy into heat and light energy. Bulb Instrument used to measure the size of the current. Battery Opening and closing them makes circuits complete or incomplete. 07/12/2018 Match up the components to the description
Draw a circuit diagram for the equipment 07/12/2018 Draw a circuit diagram for the equipment + Test material goes here! Test as many materials as you can and say whether they are CONDUCTORS or INSULATORS.
Conductors and Insulators 07/12/2018 Conductors and Insulators Material Prediction Observation Conductor or insulator Plastic Insulator Bulb off insulator
Conclusion. What trends do you notice? Are there any exceptions? 07/12/2018 Conclusion. What trends do you notice? Are there any exceptions? In your own words explain why the bulb lights when some materials are placed between the crocodile clips and not others?
Words – pencil, energy, flow, metals, insulators 07/12/2018 Conductors are usually _______. This is because metals have lots of tiny particles called ELECTRONS that can move about and carry electrical _______. Other materials are generally _________. This means that electrical current cannot _____ through them. The only conductor that is not a metal is carbon, like in your _______! Words – pencil, energy, flow, metals, insulators