The only Jewish nation in the world. Israel The only Jewish nation in the world.
The Economy Israel has a mixed economic system. Israel is the most industrialized country in the Middle East. This means they have a higher GDP. In addition to a higher GDP they have a higher ______ & ________.
The People The Law of Return: Passed in 1950, the law states that settlement in Israel is open to all Jews from anywhere in the world. About 80% of Israel’s population are Jews, but Israel’s people also include Muslims and Christian Arabs. Zionism: The Jewish movement of people back to Israel. Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel.
History Israel was created after WWII and the Holocaust. Jews wanted to return to their homelands. Many Muslims were already in Israel, so this has lead to conflict.
The History In 1947 the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. In 1948 the Jews of Palestine proclaimed an independent republic called the State of Israel. The Arabs rejected this action. Arab-Israeli wars were fought between 1948 and 1974.
Government Israel is a parliamentary republic. It’s leader is voted on by the people, and is called a prime minister. The prime minister comes from the legislative branch of government. Israel has a federal system of government. Power is divided between the national government, states, and cities.