Interviews and Questionnaires
Interviews and Questionnaires Have you ever had an interview? Have you ever filled in a questionnaire?
Non-Experimental technique No IV and DV Both are a type of Self Report method The data relies upon the participants reporting their own feelings
Method or Technique Can be a research method, or used in another study (lab, field etc) as a technique. At the end of the experiment to gain info about the participant’s experience Any core studies?
Questionnaires A set of questions designed to collect information from a large number of people Can collect lots of data easily Can access people’s thoughts
Types of Question (pg 158) Type Description Data Open Question The participant can give any answer they wish Quantitative Closed Question The participant makes a mark on a line to express the level of agreement with a particular view Semantic differentials There are a number of responses to a question which often demonstrate a degree of agreement Qualitative Likert scales There are a set number of responses which the participant selects from
Questionnaire Have a go at answering the questionnaire about eating habits Identify the type of question What issues did you encounter?
Evaluation of questionnaires Pg 158 Cross out the wrong underlined word Circle the tick or the cross
Interviews Which of the approaches in PY1 used interviews? Pg 159 Structured interviews Unstructured interviews There are also semi-structured (clinical) interviews
Evaluation of interviews Decide whether the strengths and weaknesses apply to structured, unstructured, or both What ethical issues can you see with interviews and questionnaires?
Validity and Reliability Use the handout on validity and reliability, as well as sampling Complete the blanks Have a go at the exam style question. Finish now if you can, otherwise for over Easter.