Continued Struggles with the Canaanites


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Presentation transcript:

Continued Struggles with the Canaanites Lesson 8 Continued Struggles with the Canaanites

Drive Them Out! God had clearly and on multiple occasions commanded Israel to drive out the Canaanites Ex. 23:32-33 Deut 7:2-6, 16, 24-26 Deut 9:1-3 Deut 11:22-25 Josh. 23:9-13 See also Josh 18:3

Judah’s Success Judah was going to be the leader in driving out the Canaanites (Gen. 49:8-10) First, Judah attacks Bezek Next, they attack Jerusalem


Judah’s Success Next, they attack the Canaanites in Hebron and Debir This is a re-telling of the story told in Joshua 15


Judah’s Success The Kenites join Judah and they attack Arad and make that their home Does anyone remember who the Kenites were?


Judah’s Success Judah and Simeon attach Zephath and destroy it This city became known as Hormah They also attacked Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron Could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowlands because they had iron chariots


Failure of Benjamin Benjamin could not drive out the Jebusites from Jerusalem Reconcile this with Judges 1:8

Ephraim’s Success Ephraim (The house of Joseph) goes to fight against Bethel They sent spies and spared a man’s family for showing them the entrance to the city The man went to the Hittite lands and built a city called Luz

Failure of Manasseh and Ephraim Manasseh does not drive out the inhabitants of a number of cities in their territory Judges 1:27-28 Ephraim does not drive out the inhabitants of Gezer

Taanach Ibleam Gezer

Failures of Other Tribes Zebulun did not drive out its inhabitants Asher did not drive out its inhabitants Naphtali did not drive out its inhabitants Dan did not drive out its inhabitants, and Dan was actually driven from its territory!
