INTD 403 History of Interior Design Palladio 2
Quattro Libri dell'Architettura contains Palladio's own designs inspired by classical architecture. Some of these ideas had not got further than the drawing board while others were built. The Four Books of Architecture provided systematic rules and plans for buildings. Throughout the book, he suggests two types of general rules in building -design rules and construction rules.
Palladio Palladio's reputation rests mainly on the design of the villas in the countryside around Vicenza. The early 16th century was a time when agriculture was becoming a much more profitable enterprise. Both aristocratic and the well-off families established country estates in this area. Palladio designed more than 30 villas for them. The villa was a model that would become influential around the world, from America to Russia.
Villa Pisani The Pisani were a rich family of Venetian nobles who owned several villas in the area. Built in the 1540s, it was Palladio's first of two villas designed for the family.
Villa Foscari Villa Foscari is, near Venice. It is also known as ‘La Malcontenta’, a nickname it received when the wife of one of the Foscari family was locked in the house because she didn't want to be his wife.
Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore Designed by Palladio and built to thank God for the deliverance of the city from a major outbreak of the plague.
La Rotonda
La Rotonda Villa Capra "La Rotonda" is a just outside Vicenza. The correct name is Villa Almerico-Capra. The name "Capra" derives from the Capra brothers, who completed the building after it was ceded to them in 1591. The name Almerico comes from the name of the priest who, on his retirement from the Vatican, decided to build a country house and commissioned Palladio to build it – “La Rotunda”.
Villa La Rotonda The villa was inspired by the Pantheon in Rome.