Permitted Features In this module you will gain instruction on adding an ICIS Permitted Feature.
Review the Permit Determine how many Permitted Features need to be created Let’s review an actual permit example. This is the first page of the General Foods permit that contains limits. We will need to create a permitted feature for 001.
Review the Permit Page 2 of the Permit On the 2nd page of the permit is another discharge location for a permitted feature named INFL for Influent Monitoring.
Coding Limits in ICIS Specific Order for entering limits Permitted Feature Limit Sets Parameter Limits There is a specific order for entering limits into the ICIS database. First you will create the permitted feature, then add the limits and finally add the specific parameter limits.
Limits for General Permit Covered Facility Utility to copy limits from the Master General Permit for data entry convenience Skip the “Create Permitted Feature” Go to the Limit Set module for detailed instructions
Add Permitted Feature Search for the NPDES id To add an ICIS Permitted Feature you must first have a permit ID and or a facility name in the ICIS system. At the ICIS home screen you would use the search permits and or facility name feature to locate the desired facility or permit.
Search Permit On the permit or facility search screen enter the permit id and/or facility site name select search.
Select Permit Select and Edit You will be provided with search results based on the information provided. Click on the NPDES id hyperlink or click in the radio button and the icon Edit.
Basic Information You will land on the basic information screen for this facility. You are ready to add the permitted features.
Select the permitted features tab Select the permitted features tab. Notice the message “nothing found to display” indicates there are no existing permitted features. Choose “Add Permitted Feature” from the top right.
Add Permitted Feature Enter the required fields identified by an asterisk. We are using the General Foods permit, so we entered Permitted Feature 001 which is an External Outfall. Most outfalls are external.
Add Permitted Feature Some of these fields are required data. Application Design Flow for POTWs and Lat/Long.
Add Permitted Feature Other fields available Other fields are available
Add Permitted Feature Save options Choose Save & Add Another There are several options on the screen. Save and Exit, Save and Continue, Save and Add Another, and Cancel. We will use Save and add another.
Add 2nd Permitted Feature From Page 2 of Permit Enter Permitted Feature ID Change default “External” to “Influent Structure” On page 2 of the permit is a permitted feature for Influent. Change the default for the “Type” from the External to Influent Structure. Be sure to save your record.
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