Succeed in VET with TAKK Case Guangzhou
Tampere Adult Education Foundation Established in 1962 Maintains Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK MoE: Authorization to provide education, further education and develop worklife services Representatives in TAKS Foundation: City of Tampere, Tampere Chamber of Commerce, representatives named by The Confederation of Finnish Industries EK and The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK
Key figures in 2013 4 000 – 5 200 students attend education daily 16 000 students annually 2 026 qualifications per year 300 staff members 83% of the teachers and trainers pedagogically qualified 89% of the instructors specialists in competence-based qualifications Turnover 26,9 million euros
TAKK Organization 12/7/2018
Why & How Guangzhou?
Tampere and Guangzhou - Sister Cities Building Educational Relationship Tampere and Guangzhou sister cities since 2008 Opening cooperation in the field of education What works in the (Finnish) Vocational Education and Training? Workplace sets the demand for competences Vocational qualifications are competence-based Individual study planning: recognition and accreditation Career guidance and councelling supporting the world of learning Customer-oriented training services for different target groups Continuous sharing and matching of identified needs with partners: large potential for VET development
Goals and The Process - You have to start somewhere – but where? TAKK’s goal is to create long-term educational business cooperation with partners in Guangzhou/Guangdong Who can make decisions? Activities by levels and target groups Administration representatives Management and Education coordinators Emerging field education managers How to do it? Study visits, learning by seeing and by showing in Finland Expert tasks in Guangzhou, learning by seeing and doing in Guanghou Workplaces as cooperation partners Educational networks
& Thank you - Xie xie For more information Ms Ulla Virtanen Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK Tampere, Finland
Education fields in TAKK Academy for boat business Business and Economy Earthwork and Construction Electrical Engineering and Building Maintenance Technology Entrepreneurship Environmental Services Home Help, Cleaning, and Medical Equipment Maintenance House Construction and Bricklaying Industrial and Property Management Services Information and Communications Technology Interior Decoration Languages Leadership and Work Community Development Machine Installation Massage services Metal Work Multicultural and Integration Training Precast Concrete Structures Refrigeration Security Small Machinery Maintenance Social and Health Care Surfacing Tourism and Catering Vehicles and Logistics Work Coaching Services and Guidance Services