ICTPSP Call 2007 ICT for ageing well Peter Wintlev-Jensen DG INFSO ICT for Inclusion
Ageing: challenge and opportunity ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 2 Gary Bridge, Cisco Nobel event, Dec 2005
Dependency ratio rising ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 3 Gary Bridge, Cisco Nobel event, Dec 2005
Ageing: a global phenomenon Japan EU OECD total United States Population aged 65 and over (Ratio to the total population, in %, source OECD) ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 4
Economic benefits – some examples Germany Source: GesundheitScout 24 GmbH and Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz; and Kristin Säteröy, Ericsson Enterprise A tripling of the market for smart homes applications in Europe between 2005 and 2020, from 13 million people up to 37 million Source: Walter studies, DG EMPL In the Netherlands alone, seniors would spend €500 million per year above what they are currently spending if targeted by appropriate ICT products and services. Source: Silver Economy Network ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 5
Towards an action plan for ageing well in the information society Building awareness and consensus Visibility, joint strategies, partnerships Putting enabling conditions in place Interoperability, legal conditions, tackling barriers Stimulating take-up Best practice, pilots (CIP), public procurement Preparing the future Research & development: FP7 + support to AAL 169 joint programme with Member States(co-decision) Policy Coordination with Member States Sharing best practice, Benchmarking progress Regulatory and awareness measures Reimbursement Council Communication on ICT and Ageing (to be verified) Setting up a Stakeholder Platform Ageing related ICT Research and development Significantly stepping up focus and budget for Research in FP7 Use Art. 169 to set up a joint RTD programme with Member States Stimulating various other funding sources e.g. Structural funds, pre-commercial public procurements Promoting best use, lead markets with large scale pilots Using ICT part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme Providing comprehensive socio-economic evidence on ICT investments interoperability, standards, Innovative public procurement Knowledge sharing, Awareness raising ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 7
e-Inclusion Objectives Call 2007 Overview Accessible digital Audiovisual (AV) systems – accessible Digital TV ICT for ageing well Pilots Type B Budget allocation: 15 M € ICT for active ageing at work ICT for enhancing social integration and cultural diversity eInclusion innovation platform Thematic Networks ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 8
Considerations for eInclusion Pilots B Pilots Type B Considerations for eInclusion Pilots B Accessible digital Audiovisual (AV) systems – Digital TV (1 Pilot) ICT for ageing well (several Pilots) Implementation of ICT based innovative services, building on existing initiatives Engaging full service value chain in the consortium (including service providers, commercial organisations, users, public authorities) Overcoming of fragmentation for scaling up & investment Proposing sustainable business models Achieving economies of scale; high visibility Enabling interoperability and replication of the solutions ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 9
ICT for Aging Well Pilots Pilots Type B ICT for Aging Well Pilots Objective Improve quality of life and ensure efficient health and social care for the ageing population – with focus on > ICT support for cognitive problems and early dementia > Chronic disease monitoring Expected outcomes Several pilot actions for ageing well building on integrated innovative solutions and platforms Deliverables: > interoperable personal/health/social services > validated common specifications and guidelines > comprehensive socio-economic evidence, cost-effectiveness > detailed plans for large-scale sustainable uptake after the pilot ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 10
ICT for Aging Well Pilots Pilots Type B ICT for Aging Well Pilots Characteristics Timely availability and own financing of infrastructures required Strong involvement of users to ensure acceptance Taking into account ethical and privacy issues Can build on existing or emerging regional initiatives Expected Impact Substantial increase of independence and quality of life of older people, their families and carers Increased effectiveness of care systems, sustainable chronic disease management systems Increased market potential for European industry, in particular SMEs ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 11
ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 12 For more information on ICT for Inclusion: eInclusion http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/einclusion eInclusion discussion site http://www.ipolicy.eu Contact person for ageing well CIP ICT PSP peter.wintlev-jensen(a)ec.europa.eu ICTPSP Inclusion Info Day, Brussels, 25th May 2007: Slide 12