Growing a vital and healthy community Let’s talk about… Growing a vital and healthy community Optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health do not occur in isolation but are a result of all aspects of an individual’s life: Education, food security, prosperity, active living, and access to supportive health systems Education Prosperity Active Living Food security Health Systems Better Health Higher education Better employment Better benefits Provision of sick time More education = Higher health literacy = better food choices Higher income = able to afford recreation & more time for leisure More active individuals = healthier individuals = reduced burden on healthcare system Access to nutritious food = prevention and treatment of illness Able to afford healthy food Greater knowledge = greater ability to make healthy choices Access to healthy food = better diet An active life = lower rate of chronic disease Better health supports = better preventive and treatment care Healthy weights Less stress Better mental health Able to navigate resources & services Better access to health resources & less financial Created by Brant County Health Unit. For more information, contact us at
63% 66% 57% 51% vs. 12% $58,392 5th in Canada $14.85 13.4% 15.6% Let’s talk about… Prosperity Intention: People and communities to prosper Key areas of focus: Income security, housing assistance, and having a safe place to live How are we doing? 63% feel it is safe to walk alone at night in their neighbourhood (KPS, 2012) Ontario: 71.8% 66% say ‘addressing risk’ is key (Safe Brantford Report, 2016) 57% want to be more involved in making their community safer (Safe Brantford Report, 2016) 51% vs. 12% of 5-year old children are vulnerable in at least one area of development based on family income: below $17,000 vs. above $100,000 (EDI & KPS, 2012) $58,392 Average after-tax household income (NHS, 2011; Population 15+) Ontario: $71,523 5th in Canada Brantford has the 5th highest auto theft rate in Canada (Macleans, 2010) $14.85 the living wage for Brantford, the hourly rate at which a household can meet its basic needs (BCHU, 2014) 13.4% of individuals 12+ are not satisfied with life (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 9% 15.6% aware of local safety programs (Safe Brantford Report, 2016) Income has declined from 2007-2014 (CCHS, 2007-14) Safety needs -Youth service coordination -Mental health service coordination -Opportunities for residents to participate (Safe Brantford Report, 2016) $30,760 Average after-tax individual income (NHS, 2011; Population 15+) Ontario: $35, 249 15% of the population has an after-tax income below the low income cut-off (NHS, 2011) Ontario: 13.9% Created by Brant County Health Unit (April 2017). For more information, contact us at
29% 23% 15% 38% 55% 39% 13.4% 47% 53% 61% Let’s talk about… Education Intention: Everyone has the skills and education to be successful in work, learning, and life Key areas of focus: High school graduation, integrated school curriculum, equitable education, optimize potential How are we doing? 23% of parents are able to modify work hours to accommodate child care needs (KPS, 2012) Ontario: 19.3% 15% of the population aged 25-64 does not have a high school diploma (NHS, 2011) 38% of 5-year old children are vulnerable in at least one area of development (EDI, 2015) Ontario: 29.4% 55% of the population aged 25-64 has a post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree (NHS, 2011) Ontario: 64.8% 39% of parents report that childcare is too expensive (KPS, 2012) Ontario: 41.6% 29% of Brant elementary schools are ranked in the bottom 10% of Ontario schools (Fraser Institute, 2016-17) Ontario: 10% 13.4% of individuals 12+ are not satisfied with life (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 9% 47% of the population of Ontario (16-65) have poor literacy skills (Level 2 or below) (PIAAC International Data Explorer, 2013) 53% of the population of Ontario (16-65) have poor numeracy skills (Level 2 or below) (PIAAC International Data Explorer, 2013) 61% of the population of Ontario (16-65) have poor computer skills (Level 2 or below) (PIAAC International Data Explorer, 2013) Created by Brant County Health Unit (Feb 2018). For more information, contact us at
32% 30% 15%* 18% 13.4% 11% 93% 34% Let’s talk about… Health Systems Intention: To improve existing resources and promote inclusive and accessible services that extend beyond the traditional healthcare system Key areas of focus: Service utilization, integrated support systems, Affordable transportation How are we doing? 32% of students in Grades 7-12 report moderate-to-high psychological distress (OSDUHS, 2015) Ontario: 34% 30% of individuals 12+ report smoking (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 17.6% 15%* of students in Grades 7-12 seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months) (OSDUHS, 2015) Ontario: 12.4% *use estimate with caution 18% of individuals 12+ consider their health to be ‘poor’ or ‘fair’ (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 11.7% 13.4% of individuals 12+ are not satisfied with life (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 9% 11% of individuals 12+ report having diabetes (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 7% 93% of individuals 12+ have a regular family doctor (CCHS, 2013-14) 34% of individuals 12+ report having one or more chronic health conditions (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 5.6% Created by Brant County Health Unit (April 2017). For more information, contact us at
Let’s talk about…Active Living Intention: Healthy, active people who attain their fullest mental, spiritual, and physical potential Key areas of focus: Recreation and leisure, after-school programs, arts and culture How are we doing? 54% would benefit from a policy to enhance access to recreational programs for all (Active Grand, 2016) 32% of those aged 65+ report daily active leisure activities (CCHS, 2013-14) 61% of individuals 12+ report a strong or somewhat strong sense of community belonging (CCHS, 2013-14) Child Development Irrespective of income, music, arts, or drama = better social, emotional, and cognitive development in 5 year old children (EDI & KPS, 2012) 13.4% of individuals 12+ are not satisfied with life (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 9% 70% of students in Grades 7-12 use motorized transportation to get to school (car, bus, or taxi) (OSDUHS, 2015) Ontario: 73.4% 14% of Brant residents participated in a Parks and Recreation program during 2016 (Active Grand, 2016) 34% of children 12 and under meet physical activity guidelines (60 min, every day) (HKCC, 2016) 18-35 A gap in cultural programming exists for those aged 18-35 years (Brantford Cultural Audience Survey, 2015) 5 Top 5 cultural needs: • Centralized online information • high caliber music events • professional live theatre • children’s programming • mid-sized theatre (Brantford Cultural Audience Survey, 2015) 50% of those attending cultural events are 50+ years of age (Brantford Cultural Audience Survey, 2015) 45% of individuals are characterized as inactive during their leisure time (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 46.3% 3 Top 3 barriers to cultural participation: • Lack of time • Don’t know what’s going on • Timing of events (Brantford Cultural Audience Survey, 2015) 500m Residents who live within 500m of a trail walk, bike, run, and roller blade more than those living further (BCHU, 2015) Created by Brant County Health Unit (April 2017). For more information, contact us at
25,000 5% 2520 93% 184kg 70% $31billion $204.19 66% 12%* 13.4% 51% 22% Let’s talk about… Food Security Intention: Access to healthy, affordable food for all within a sustainable food system Key areas of focus: Affordable food, quality nutrition, sustainable food systems How are we doing? 25,000 The number of farms lost in Ontario over the last 20 years (Ontario Food Nutrition Strategy report) 5% of Ontario’s land is suitable for agriculture (OFA, 2013) 2520 the average number of individuals who access the food bank every month (Brantford Food Bank, 2017) 93% of elementary and secondary schools offer a school food program due to identified need (53/57 schools; BFFT, 2017) 184kg Of solid food is wasted by each Canadian, each year (Statistics Canada, 2008) 70% of the Canadian grocery market is dominated by four retail giants = exclusion of local producers (Barndt, 2008) $31billion cost of food wasted in Canada each year (Gooch et al., 2014) $204.19 The weekly cost to purchase nutritious food for a family of four (BCHU, 2015) 66% of individuals 12+ consume less than 5 fruits and vegetables per day (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 61.2% 12%* of households report moderate to severe food insecurity (CCHS, 2013-14) *use estimate with caution 13.4% of individuals 12+ are not satisfied with life (CCHS, 2013-14) Ontario: 9% 51% of students in Grades 7-12 do not consume breakfast every day on school days (OSDUHS, 2015) Ontario: 47.7% 22% of students in Grades 7-12 report going to bed hungry due to insufficient food in the house (OSDUHS, 2015) Ontario: 23.5% Created by Brant County Health Unit (April 2017). For more information, contact us at