Open Forum: Networking to Increase Sales Laura Moskwa Vice President, Director of TPA Services Stig Nybo Senior Vice President, National Sales Director
“Just Wait – TRS Will Go Away” Peak of Inflated Expectations Plateau of Productivity Benefit Trigger Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Actual Benefit Every new endeavor goes through basically the same predictable pattern. Someone rolls it out with lots of hype and creates a heightened expectation. Everyone gets excited and start to work hard. Results are never immediate, so disillusionment sets in. Those organizations/sales folks with the discipline to continue to push eventually push through to a more productive environment. So how do we best get past the “Trough of Disillusionment” to the more productive environment? Time Source: Gartner April 2001, The CRM Hype Cycle (S. Nelson, G. Herschel)
Getting past the Trough - Requires TRUST! It all does start with trust, doesn’t it? You each need to trust that the other won’t Make you look bad. Deliver a lousy product Ruin your great relationship. In order to trust, you have to: Believe in the products/company Believe in your partners This meeting is about becoming familiar. Honey – We’re Here! Come on out.
Commitment! Getting past the Trough - Requires We all have to buy in for this to work. The organization – support in every way All of us – support it with activity This will not work as purely a “Top Down” effort. Get clear on WIIFM and WIIFY We each need to think about how we can make this relationship benefit us, and how we can benefit others.
Getting past the Trough - Requires Consistency of Message We’ve all experienced the following – “Wasn’t the Transamerica gal just in here?” “Might be another division, I don’t know her”. Not a great answer. I really believe this is or maybe has disappeared completely. But the Story has to go beyond simply knowing our counterparts. We need to know: The basic strengths of the other’s product What constitutes an Opportunity? How do I tee my Partner up? How do I support my counterpart long term? We also need commonality of product and Target. IDEX MorningStar Funds Firms like Merrill Lynch
TRS Is Not Going Away Takes Time Benefit Peak of Inflated Expectations Plateau of Productivity Benefit Trigger Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Actual Benefit Every new endeavor goes through basically the same predictable pattern. Someone rolls it out with lots of hype and creates a heightened expectation. Everyone gets excited and start to work hard. Results are never immediate, so disillusionment sets in. Those organizations/sales folks with the discipline to continue to push eventually push through to a more productive environment. So how do we best get past the “Trough of Disillusionment” to the more productive environment? Takes Time Source: Gartner April 2001, The CRM Hype Cycle (S. Nelson, G. Herschel)
This Afternoon’s Agenda How do we get to the next level? Theme - Developing: Trust Commitment Consistency of Message