Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj 2017 - 18
Devoirs… C’est quoi en anglais? Vocabulary Learning - - Learn the vocabulary by heart – to spell and to say out loud for a writing test next week. Detail is on the Homework Hub Devoirs… C’est quoi en anglais? Can you recall some French sounds? Can you create a phonetic bubbles to support you with the tricky letters of the alphabet? Can you introduce yourself, spell your name, say how you are and ask questions? (T6)
Creative On A4 paper, either draw/print or cut out a picture of two of your favourite cartoon characters / actors / actresses / singers Imagine they meet for the first time – write a dialogue of how they greet one another and ask how they are. Vocabulary Learning - -secure the vocabulary we covered in class this week (alphabet pronunciation and how to ask questions) Detail is on the Homework Hub
Week 3 – 18/09 Vocabulary Learning - - Learn the vocabulary by heart - including the le, la or l’ – to spell and to say out loud for a writing test next week. Detail is on the Homework Hub
Week 4 – 25/09 Creative - Design an eye catching poster to show numbers in French (include 31 ) Can you detect a pattern? Can you think of a way to recall these numbers? We are going to be looking at months, days of the week and numbers over the next few lessons. We will then be able to add a little more detail to our name, where we live and what languages we speak.