MIL/STD-1553B Bus Overview J. Frederick Bartlett Fermilab June 3, 1999
Online WorkshopJune 3, 1999 MIL/STD 1553 Field Bus Support The MIL/STD-1553B standard 1 MHz clock Manchester II bi-phase code Transformer coupling Bus lengths 100 meters+ 16-bit word size 20 μ sec/word Status word for each transaction High noise rejection Very Robust
Online WorkshopJune 3, 1999 MIL/STD 1553 Field Bus Properties Addressing structure Remote terminal (RT) - 31 Broadcast (all RTs) Subaddress - 30 Word count - 1 to 32 Mode function
Online WorkshopJune 3, 1999 VxWorks/EPICS 1553 Support VxWorks Driver Uses a POSIX queue for serialization Multiple transactions per queue element (atomic) User callback function Long data blocks sequenced as multiple transactions by the driver EPICS driver wrapper
Online WorkshopJune 3, 1999 VxWorks/EPICS 1553 Support Generic record (mil1553) No device module Generic device (planned) AI, AO, BI, BO, LONGIN, LONGOUT, MBBI, MBBO, WF Rack monitor Complex record example 1U rack profile 64 A/D channels Read with two 1553 transactions 8 D/A channels 4 binary channels Input/output selection 32 word per channel