Why was Scotland such an important issue for Henry VII? Henry VII and Scotland Why was Scotland such an important issue for Henry VII?
“…. perhaps the greatest crisis of his reign” (Steven Gunn) What Students will be able to explain the events and significance of Anglo-Scottish relations under Henry VII. How By taking notes from verbal presentation, Powerpoint and textbooks. Also by decision making. Why Cos Scotland’s mint
I’ll read SHP p. 44 – add to your list Dilemma 8, 1485 – 86 what should Henry do?
What he did…. In 1486 the Scots recaptured Dunbar. Henry turned a blind eye to this and a three year truce was signed in July 1486, under which the dispute of Berwick would be resolved by commissioners and the possibility of a marriage alliance would be explored.
Dilemma 9: 1486 - 1493 I’ll read p44 – Outline what the problems were Options????? What do you recommend???
What he did Henry gave support to the Scottish rebel lords in the spring of 1489, but his support was limited because of the Brittany war and a Yorkshire tax rebellion. He continually pushed the proposal for his daughter Margaret’s marriage to James IV, but with limited success. The pro-English Earl of Angus took control and a 9 year truce was signed in 1493.
Dilemma 10 – 1493 - 1503 Should Henry resort to war? Arguments for Arguments against (Use SHP p 44 – 45) What he did - p45 + 322
What possible solution to Henry’s (and James’) problems is shown in this picture?
James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor, Henry VII's daughter, were married in Edinburgh in August 1503
Securing the succession and marriage alliances Read Tillbrook p. 29 – 30 Complete task on p30 HOMEWORK Complete for Thursday
Next lesson Evaluation of Henry’s For Pol + AS Practice Question on p31 of Tillbrook