Think of a holiday you went on with your family: Where did you go? How did you get there? What was your accommodation ? What did you eat? What was the weather like? Did you visit any attractions? What the best things you did on holiday? Was there something you didn’t enjoy? Would you recommend it to others to visit?
What is the main attraction in each of these locations?
What is Tourism? L/O to understand what is involved with tourism and what it means for the people involved.
In less than 20 words, explain what you think tourism…
‘Persons travelling for pleasure in a period no less than 24 hours’ In pairs decide which is the best definition below and write it in your own words ‘Being away from your usual habitat, the industry which responds to his needs, and the impacts that both he and the industry have on the environments.’ ‘Activity of people traveling away from their home community to take part in one or more of a variety of activities.’ ‘Persons travelling for pleasure in a period no less than 24 hours’ ‘The act of moving outside one's home community for business or pleasure but not for commuting or travelling to or from school.’ ‘The movement of people to places outside their normal places of work and community, the activities carried out during their holiday, and the facilities created to meet to their needs.’
Identify 2 that are tourists and 2 that are not tourists.
What characteristics do most tourists in common? What makes a Tourist a Tourist???
So what do tourists need for a location to work as a tourist destination??? Pairwork: create a list of all things a location needs to attract tourists to visit. Can you categorise them into groups. Feedback on white board. Draw a spider diagram in your books to record this info – we will be adding more information later so leave enough room. I suggest you use a double page.
From our lists of Tourist requirements – generate a list of jobs/employment that are related to tourism. Think of as many as you can. Here’s one job for free! Add this employment info on to your spider diagram.