AP Human Geography Final Review December 14th-18th
Test Logistics -30 Multiple Choice Questions -2 FRQ’s out of 4 selections FRQ Test Session-Monday, December 14th Multiple Choice Section December 16th, 17th or 18th -Rubentein Textbook Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Unit 1: Geography: Nature and Perspective Key elements of all maps including flaws Spatial Geography Environmental determinism vs. Possibilism Globalization Scale Functional, perceptual, and formal regions
Unit 2: Population and Migration Population Key Terms Migration Key Terms Stages of the Demographic Transition Model-Know in regards to application Push/Pull Factors Global population trends Conflict resulting in migration Population pyramids Refugee status-immigrant and emigrant countries Epidemiology Intraregional migration vs. Interregional Migration Natural Increase Distance Decay Arithmetic vs. Physiological Gravity Model
Unit 2: Population and Migration Population Key Terms Migration Key Terms
Unit Three: Culture Folk vs. Pop Distinguishing features of the American Cultural Landscape Diffusion of Folk vs. Popular Culture Acculturation/Assimilation
Unit Three: Culture Language Be able to trace from root to language on Language Family Tree Understand the difficulties of multi-lingual nations
Unit Three: Culture Religion Sacred Spaces Universalizing vs. Ethnic religions Monotheism vs. Polytheism Religious Conflict
Unit Three: Culture Ethnicity Ethnic Diversity Ethnic Conflict
FRQ Guidelines Make sure to answer all parts of the question Go with your strongest case Outline before writing Prep for the key topics-Religious conflict, DTM, Refugee’s, etc. Label the different parts of your question
Study Tips and Advice Dedicate study time Create a Map for Review Study in groups Use your flashcards Predict the FRQs Review Key Issue Packets