Practice “unpacking” these 2 questions: Choose a play which has developed your understanding of an important human emotion such as love, hatred, jealousy or any other emotion. Show how this understanding has been developed through the playwright’s use of dramatic techniques. Choose a scene from a play where there is an important incident which leads to a turning point in the action. Explain what happens in this scene, and go on to say how it affects the outcome of the play.
Practice “unpacking” these 2 questions: Choose a play which has developed your understanding of an important human emotion such as love, hatred, jealousy or any other emotion. Show how this understanding has been developed through the playwright’s use of dramatic techniques. > Theme of Love > Character of Rosinella and through characterisation of others. > Key scene, leading to a dramatic and positive final scene.
Practice “unpacking” these 2 questions: Choose a scene from a play where there is an important incident which leads to a turning point in the action. Explain what happens in this scene, and go on to say how it affects the outcome of the play. > Important incident: Act 2, Scene 9, Key scene. > Characters of Rosinella and Bridget – in this scene B. reveals the love Franco had for her was real and ended up in a pregnancy, which B. subsequently aborted after being told by R. Franco didn’t love her. > In the same scene, R. is at her weakest, and M. has his own epiphany where he realises R. is selfish and…* > The scene leads to a dramatic and positive final outcome.
4 things we can say about this question… Choose a play which has developed your understanding of an important human emotion such as love, hatred, jealousy or any other emotion. Show how this understanding has been developed through the playwright’s use of dramatic techniques. 4 things we can say about this question… Theme of Love is explored through R. Love for country and family. Quote. Explore. Characterisation of R. and others e.g. M. and L. , L. and H. Turning point – how does this scene affect R’s view? What does it lead her to realise? Link to end, and main theme(s)
Example… “Tally’s blood” by Anne Marie Di Mambro is a play which explores the emotion of love through characterisation and key scenes. Using the central character of *, we can trace how this emotion is both a good and a bad thing, as * …
“Tally’s Blood” by Anne Marie di Mambro has an important scene which leads to a crucial turning point – for both characterisation and action. In Act 2, Scene 9, the character B. reveals to the antagonist R. that the love R’s brother-in-law Franco had for her was real and ended up in a pregnancy, which B. subsequently aborted after being told by R. that Franco didn’t love her. This scene leads to a turning point in the action, as R. realises the impact her opinion and controlling nature has on others and directs her to amend the bad decisions she has made as a result of her warped, prejudiced outlook. It is also a turning point for M. – who realises his wife has always been selfish and makes him fall out of love with her.