Epidemiological Transition (Health) Model IB SL
South-East Asia Various patterns of morbidity and mortality occur during the development process. As health improves, morbidity and mortality fall thus life expectancy increases. This is called epidemiological (health) transition (Omran 1971). This model focuses on both health and morbidity. Changes will be apparent through modernisation. Changes will appear at different times depending on each country and its developmental processes.
Development As a country mechanises and applies modern medical techniques and technology as well as adapting living standards and sanitation, development should increase. It can be compared to the DTM in terms of how countries develop over time however the epidemiological transition model focuses more on the reasons for development through health and not solely on births and deaths.
Activity 1 Answer the following question using the information presented in Case Study 22 P646-649. How are the Epidemiological Transition Model and Demographic Transition Model similar and different in what they show and how they can be used?
Activity 2 2. What are the benefits and problems of using this model compared to the Demographic Transition Model? Benefits Problems