Taking Action with the Voice of the Scout 12/7/2018 Taking Action with the Voice of the Scout Council Presentation April 2012 1
TOPICS 1 TRANSLATING NUMBERS TO THE EXPERIENCE 2 PROCESSING EXPERIENCES INTO ACTION 3 USE YOUR NETWORK All numbers and info are displayed on your VOS dashboard homepage that can be accessed from MyBSA home page of MyScouting in Council tools section. 2
Translating Numbers to the Experience 4
Experience Recovery: Always 1st to Address Turn on Reports! Respond To Recoveries! While the VOS Dashboard will be viewable automatically by those who have access to the JTE Dashboard, the VOS reports must be turned on manually. Instructions to do this are at scouting.org/jte. Important: The Experience Recovery Report features those respondents who have scored your council as 0-6 (detractors) on an 11 point scale AND have asked for a contact from the council. Closing the loop on these contacts within 48 hours is optimal. 5
NPS LANDING PAGE: See the Peaks and Valleys LEARN Response Rates NPS By Segments ASSESS BY SEGMENT Existing Outreach Existing Engagement Mechanics: The Dashboard reports NPS by Segments, not the NPS overall average. The NPS overall average that determines JTE points is shown on the JTE dashboard. While the NPS overall average is what the JTE associates with Gold Performance, the NPS by segment is what gives operational insight into actually using the data. Negative numbers are possible because the NPS score is a range of -100 to 100 Available to survey are registrants with email addresses in the system. This number includes fee paying members as well as non-fee paying members like merit badge counselors, Scout Parents, Tiger parents, etc. The numbers currently shown are a one-time snapshot taken on Feb 29th, 2012. Respondents are the people that answered the survey. Reiterate how the overall NPS is scored; i.e. %promoters minus % detractors Note the Dashboard has a dynamic navigation, by choosing from the drop downs, the dashboard will move. Allow 3-5 seconds for some screens to load. Response rates should be noted when low or high and this information needs to be taken into consideration to know when to undertake broad operational initiatives versus a more finite approach to improving the experience. 6
ASSESS OUTREACH: Response Rates are the VOS Lifeline ON RESPONSE STATISTICS If “Response Rate” is higher than other audiences- consider the information coming from this audience with more confidence to represent the norm. If “Response Rate” is lower- hone the way you connect with this audience, and make sure they understand the importance of their insight for this program. If “Available to Survey” is substantially less than “Total Respondents” work on getting accurate emails collected. *Your Email Saturation Rate is “Available to Survey” divided by “Total Registrants”. Your email saturation rate is featured on the JTE Dashboard. A 0% NPS in the red bubble for example, just means that you have no more detractors than you do promoters; it’s a passive score. 7
Building Confidence in the Data 95% Confidence Threshold/Population Size 22% 36% 48% I.e. 110 responses would result in 95% confidence that finding are representative of a total population of 500. The smaller the population, the higher proportion of responses are needed to achieve statistical confidence that feedback is representative of the entire population. 58% 64% 72% 75% A goal of VOS is to provide statistically significant information to drive managerial decisions. From a statistical perspective, 110 responses out of population of 500 is a good measure of confidence in validity of data. The smaller your population, the more responses you need to hear from to ensure that you have a representative portion of people surveyed. (For example, when the AP Poll on the front page of the newspaper states candidate they are use these kind of statistical curves when voicing their assessments) When working with NPS to make big or policy changes, you want confidence in your information, but seeing strong consensus or trending around a topic of groups with smaller response rates can provide managerial insight around issues that should not be dismissed. Sometimes simply interaction with detractors can transition their opinions into being passively satisfied or even promoters. It could be a small effort that makes a big difference in stopping negative word-of-mouth reference of Scouting. 73% 80% 8
ASSESS LOW NPS SCORES: “If there’s smoke…” DIVE DOWN INTO THE DATA USING NPS SCORES Deep dive into low NPS segments by clicking on the tile to get to the Year-To-Date screen. Set an intention to manage defensive tendencies when reading and addressing low NPS reports. Look at high NPS segments to support the good work being done, click on the tile to see specific experiences in the Year-To-Date screen that matter to your most vocal supporters. Make sure staff & volunteers know what works for your council’s high NPS segment audiences. 9
THE YEAR-TO-DATE SCREEN: Context is Everything LEARN Note Area/ “One Above” Performance Note National Performance Rank the Driver Averages ASSESS VIA Performance Cluster Position Comment Boxes Low-Performing Drivers and associated comments Mechanics: Make sure the month and year are in the periods you want focus on. Dashboard is organized by segment and time periods. For each segment you’ll see the NPS score and the score of the org levels above you. E.g. “one above” for council is the area. You will always see the National average. For each question, you can see percentages, comments and scores. 10
Words can be mightier than the numbers! ALL COMMENTS: Words can be mightier than the numbers! Score 1 Comment: No communication. Our 2 scout leaders just quit showing up to our meetings. They did not let us know anything. We were supposed to be working on the badges but events were never planned. Also one of our leaders took the boys books up and started signing that we had completed certain activities when we had not done those activities. Mechanics: Comments view is organized by segment, date and driver questions. You can get to the comment screen from the VOS home page using the link on the left or from the segment drill down “comment” button. You can download comments into excel for use in meetings, etc. ASSESS Look at trending issues by NPS grouping comments Begin to prioritize solutions based on impact levels & available resources 11
GET TO THE TOP OF THE MATTER: SEE THE BEST 10% LEARN National Rank Region Top Reps ASSESS Seek Ideas / Solutions from Councils with Common ties of size, geography or resource strength. Mechanics: National comparison screen for each segment You can reach this page from your VOS dashboard homepage using the comparison link on the left. This can give you an idea of which councils are doing well and you can contact them for information on their best practices. In the spring survey, many councils scored 100% due to low response rates, e.g. 1-2 people meaning the ranking may not be indicative of a high performing council. In the future, increased response rates from better promotion and increased email saturation will make this screen more meaningful/ 12
Cases 13
What audiences would you focus on? Look at “available to survey”. If this number is low the work done needs to be in the field collecting accurate emails. Combine a low “available to survey” with a low number of “respondents” and you really don’t have much to make decisions with. Since it is easy to review, look at the input, but feedback from these areas is not the type of focus you would bring to committees or boards. Also, low NPS scores in these circumstances are a byproduct of poor mechanics, so in this screen 0% NPS is not where we want our focus to be for decision making. It is however areas where we need to strengthen the foundation of the program (more accurate emails in the system, better promotion to members/parents/volunteers). However, Youth facing volunteers have a decent response rate, so information from this segment can begin to be analyzed for broad action. What is the most compelling audience to you? Why? (Presenter picks Cub Scout Parents) 14
CUB SCOUT PARENTS NEXT STEPS: Review all comments and look for two things: Many times you’ll see issues that cross over between groups Pay attention to issues that can be fixed now. Trends that need to be addressed. Bigger issue topics that might need escalation. Low NPS scores can still be crucial to scouting and need to be reached out to. 15
CUB SCOUT PARENTS 1. Where would you dig down to learn more about the Cub Scouts segment? 2. Use the comments for each driver question to learn new and good insights. 3. The conditions that are mentioned in the driver questions are directly correlated to customer loyalty. 4. Be sure to check the responses to the question: If there was one thing you could change about scouting, what would it be? Tap into the Wisdom of the Crowd. 16
1. They are the most engaged audience. Points of Interest: This council needs to do some work in adding email addresses. Look at total registrants for the entire top row. Then look at “Available to Survey”. While statistically low, look for things that are easy to fix for these audiences (low-hanging fruit analogy). With 23% response rate, District Council Volunteers has both the highest response rate and the lowest NPS. Worth diving into because: 1. They are the most engaged audience. They are the audience least likely to recommend Scouting to others. Youth-Facing Volunteer feedback may also be fairly representative of a true number, based upon this screen’s number. 17
DISTRICT COUNCIL VOLUNTEERS For District Council Volunteers, all the averages for the drivers are relatively high. The lowest performing question on the “Year To Date” screen is the NPS question. - A negative score is not necessarily indicative of the delivery of the program or negative experience…. Look at the comments! - Also, be sure to pay attention to the comments that indicate what we should keep doing in scouting in order to keep their experience positive. Don’t discount the passively satisfied, the tone of their comments can give insight to if they are on the cusp of being a promoter or the cusp of being a detractor. Both have ramifications to membership retention. 18
Processing Experiences 19
Listening Learning Acting VOS Interaction Cycle: Listen Learn Act Listening Learning Acting Listening Individuals receive surveys once every six months. Councils receive Experience Recovery Notices each time contact is requested by respondents. Learning View results on the VOS Dashboard. Define trends and rank impact. Generate solutions and nominate best practices. VOS cycle has 3 phases Listening = surveys go out, receive feedback & address Experience Recovery Requests promptly. Learning = VOS dashboard displays respondent feedback – Look at NPS, drivers, comments Acting = Make changes that will make the biggest impact to the member experience in the most efficient, effective way. Acting Report on results. Outline high-impact change priorities Integrate in Fall operations 20
Dashboard: Print to Review PDFs to Print Full XLS Downloads Looking at the home screens, there are 2 ways to capture the information: On the dashboard itself (of course!) Downloaded to excel for presenting at meetings or for use in reports. Downloaded to pdf, which can be saved for printing and emailing. 21
Uncovering Issues & Determining Actions Provide at Council Board Meetings Provide to Council Committees Provide during Staff Meeting And get ready for VOS Summary Reports by Districts coming soon! Great high level report for staff meetings, board meetings, district committee meetings, program committee meetings 22
Uncovering Issues & Determining Actions This report is the place to get additional information on the comments of detractor respondents. Can’t stress enough: Making contact at respondent’s request is crucial! Check the box in the first column once contact has been made to make the number on the red link on MyBSA home page will go down 23
If you had spare hour…. Where would your work matter most? 24
Key National Drivers of Loyalty by Segment Segment Audience Loyalty Driver #1 Loyalty Driver #2 Cub Scouts Scouting is really fun. I learn new things in my den meetings. Cub Scout Parents Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time. Scouting is consistently reinforcing worthwhile values for my son. Boy Scouts Scouting makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself. Our meetings are a good use of my time. Boy Scout Parents Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful in life. Youth-Facing Volunteers I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today’s youth. I have support from other leaders that helps me be an effective Scout leader. District & Council Volunteers My district/council is doing everything it can to delivery quality programs to Scouts Chartered Organizations Our local council has made sponsoring a Scouting group simple and easy. Scouting has provided a way for my organization to impact the lives of youth. The council’s highest scoring driver question isn’t necessarily the one most closely correlated to impacting loyalty. We know the national drivers of loyalty, which are also likely have high impact to loyalty when addressed at the council level. Just because a driver score is low and it is improved, it doesn’t necessarily mean that loyalty-driving experience for that segment is now improved. The most important loyalty drivers are listed above. You can create improved conditions of loyalty by working on these driver questions. Moving your NPS won’t happen overnight, it takes time (possibly 2-3 years). Improving key driver scores can help with that. 25
Scouting is a good use of Drivers of Loyalty, Nationally-Aggregated “…I have many things in common with people that I wouldn't have had in common without Scouting.” (promoter) (SAMPLES) Socialize troops By creating more opportunities for joint projects. Organize or better promotion of district or council activities. Insert council NPS here. “Being in Scouting is a good use of my time.” National NPS 34% “…friends I never knew were Scouts are actually involved in the program…troops are too individual, there is little to no connection between the troops. .” (detractor) Membership/ Youth Growth Youth Retention “I thought it was boring at the beginning of the year. Now I think it is fun b/c I get to draw pictures and play games and stuff.” (detractor) Cub Scout Advancement (SAMPLES) Create a calendar of activities for outings for distribution at the first meeting to generate excitement. Incorporate more camping events in the calendar. Boy Scout Advancement “Cub Scouting is really fun.” National NPS 34% Via Parents This is the highest impact driver question for Boy Scout/Venturers. VOS is a leading indicator for Membership, Youth Retention, CS Advancement, BS Advancement. Note: We don’t ask Cubs Scouts directly, all questions are directed at Cub parents. “I would give this two strongly agrees if I could…it is really fun when we get to go camping with my mom and dad” (promoter) Insert council NPS here. 26
“Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful.” Drivers of Loyalty, Nationally-Aggregated “Although the Scouting program is good, the implementation of it in our area isn't building boys into leaders. They are not being taught to nor empowered to lead.” (detractor) (SAMPLES) Encourage commissioner to coach for increased use of patrol method and youth leadership Invite community subject matter experts to teach merit badges and mix up meeting tempo. Insert council NPS here. “Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful.” National NPS 63% “Leadership seems to have a hard time connecting.” (detractor) Membership/ Youth Growth Youth Retention “Den meetings are great. The pack ones are excruciating. So drawn out. The kids in my sons den get bored & don’t pay attention.” (promoter) (SAMPLES) Encourage pack leader attendance at roundtable to learn fun ideas for den and pack meetings. Schedule a parent meting to brainstorm ways to make meetings more interesting and/or fun for them and Scouts. Cub Scout Advancement “Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.” National NPS 31% These will be posted as blank templates on www.scouting.org/jte under Voice of the Scout. You can populate them with responses received in your council. “…meetings are the biggest challenge - making them relevant and fun - leaders make or break the program” (promoter) Insert council NPS here. 27
Audience participation Audience participation Drivers of Loyalty, Nationally-Aggregated Audience participation What are YOUR ideas??? Send a note to “all” with your suggestion …we were starting to develop excellent programs toward empowering youth [as] recommended by the BSA…they were not valued/disappeared. Now the Scoutmaster administers everything, rendering assigned roles of leadership meaningless. (detractor) Insert council NPS here. “I understand the unique benefits Scouting provides to youth.” National NPS 44% Unit Leadership District Leadership Audience participation What are YOUR ideas??? Send a note to “all” with your suggestion “There is seriously more focus on increasing numbers than delivering a quality program.” (passive) Council Leadership “My council is doing everything it can to deliver quality programs to youth.” National NPS 56% For the presenter: Having walked the audience through 2 examples, this is the portion of the webinar that we receive ideas from participants. Solutions provided during the webinar for youth facing volunteers included: more training for unit leadership and committee, encourage attendance at NYLT Solutions provided during the webinar for district/council volunteers included: use positive comments from Scouts in publications and presentations, pull members of this segment together in a focus group to find out what change is needed to improve their experience “Overall, I think people mean the best, it's just that execution fails some.” (passive) Insert council NPS here. 28
Audience participation Drivers of Loyalty, Nationally-Aggregated “The yearly charter is very painful. Boys records are often lost. The process is like starting over each and every year. This process needs to be fully automated.” (promoter) Audience participation What are YOUR ideas??? Send a note to “all” with your suggestion Insert council NPS here. “Our local council has made sponsoring a Scouting group simply and easy.” National NPS 53% When a 'New' unit is formed - a packet with ALL available information that would make a leaders job easier should be distributed.” (promoter) Membership/ Youth Growth Scouting…has great programs, but your chartering and registering is a MESS! Communications between the various scouting families is beyond bad.” (detractor) For the presenter: Having walked the audience through the first 2 examples, this is the portion of the webinar that we receive ideas from participants. Solutions provided during the webinar for chartered organization included: improved commissioner service, better training and promotion for internet rechartering, development of new unit kit described and use by new unit organizing teams. Promoters’ suggestions are very powerful because they want improvement but are definitely in your camp. 29
Socializing VOS for Action 30
Leverage the Power of Processes in Place Suggested audiences to receive the information and timeline to ensure appropriate change in advance of development of programs and promotion materials The staff and board need to know customer experiences that are negative so that they can be addressed during planning and board meetings. 31
CLOSING THE LOOP: Reconnect with Respondents To Our Valued Members, Parents, Volunteers and Chartered Organizations: Thank you for your time and insight your given us by responding to the Voice of the Scout surveys sent in March. It’s your experience that will guide Scouting into another 100 years of service to youth. Based on your feedback we know ____________ is one of the most important things about Scouting to you. Moving forward we are committed to providing (more/less)____________ and seeing it through to make sure Scouting is everything it should be to our youth, our families and our communities. We’ll continue to reach out to you every six months to see how we are doing. Thank you in advance for your feedback, it will drive us forward to serve you best! Yours In Scouting, [your council here] Sample thank you note to post on website, print and place on receptionist desk, distribute at roundtable, use as bag stuffer in Scout Shop. Make them aware of the Fall survey cycle. 32
Moving Forward: Next Steps Make sure to all Experience Recoveries have been addressed. Take actions on things that simple to address. Identify trending issues in each NPS group for the Key Drivers (slide 18) Create key actions to enhance Scouting for each segment. Escalate issues that are out of council’s control to __________________. Report back to members, parents and volunteers. Outline promotion efforts for the fall cycle. Make data collection and accuracy a priority. Simple-quick wins that are easy to address. Continue to send forward items that National can handle and/or help with. Good email addresses are important and use campaign materials available at www.scouting.org/jte in the Voice of the Scout section. Take a look at possible key actions for each segment. Be sure to get email information at every event: camp registration, etc. 33
Seeing the Forest through the Trees. NEED MORE ASSISTANCE FOR TAKING ACTION ON VOS? Sign up for the VOS elective at the National Annual Meeting AND/OR Schedule a :20 minute coaching session (April 30-May 4 only) for VOS Staff and Volunteer Champions by emailing michael.watkins@scouting.org 34
We want to know. Your feedback is a gift to us as well. Going forward it’s important to get things right. We listen, we’ll learn, we’ll act. Email us at jte@scouting.org. The VOS team is interested in your feedback to make the program better. Example: Within hours of launching the VOS dashboard, someone commented that the invalid email report needed a way to be printed or downloaded. Within 2 days, we had made the change. Not all ideas will be that easy to fix, but we will review all improvement suggestions and incorporate them as often as we can. We are listening, we care, we will act Mail suggestions to jte@scouting.org 34