eSciDoc Overview Malte Dreyer
The Max Planck Society (MPG – Max-Planck Gesellschaft) 78 institutes 265 directors, 4000 PhDs, 4000 PhD students 30 locations intense cooperation with universities 07.12.2018
Locations distributed organization cooperation between different locations is very common locations outside Germany are not shown (Nijmegen, Florence, Rome, …) 07.12.2018
Fields diverse set of fields not a broad as many universities Chemistry, Physics, Technology Biology, Medicine, Brain Science Law, Art, History, Cognition not a broad as many universities but more interdisciplinary 07.12.2018
Max Planck Digital Library MPDL Founded in 2007 Head: Laurent Romary Departments Information Provision Research and Development Open Access Complemented by activities in many institutes Close cooperation MPDL --- Institutes Link to eResearch activities outside MPG FIZ, Göttingen, Humboldt, DFG, DANS, NIMS, … 07.12.2018
Our research infrastructure must match the research ambitions 07.12.2018
Use of information technology for enhancing research eResearch = Use of information technology for enhancing research Kurt Mehlhorn, VP, MPG 07.12.2018
Project Setup and Mission eSciDoc is as a joint project of the Max Planck Society and FIZ Karlsruhe, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aimed at building an e-Science platform for multi-disciplinary research organizations. eSciDoc integrates research results and materials in an emerging e-research network, provides effective and comprehensive access to data and information supports collaboration and interdisciplinary research in future e-Science scenarios increases the accountability of research improve the visibility of research institutions and organizations 07.12.2018
Project Phases eSciDoc OSS Community 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Solutions Infrastructure Specification 07.12.2018
Collaboration Continuum of Data Idea Exploration Data Acquisition Experiment Aggregation Analysis Publication Archiving eSciDoc Solutions, services, and existing tools eSciDoc Infrastructure Continuum of Data 07.12.2018
eSciDoc Solution 1: Publication Management (PubMan) 07.12.2018
eSciDoc Solution 2: Photo Collections (FACES) 07.12.2018
eSciDoc Solution 2: Scanned Books (VIRR) 07.12.2018
Example of a Network of Interrelated Objects Metadata Annotation Transcription Metadata Translation Metadata Annotation © Institut Catholique, Paris, France 07.12.2018
Current Stakeholders Requirements from all Sections within MPS Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section Biology & Medicine Section Human Sciences Section Target Groups Scientists Librarians IT Groups PR and Research Coordination Open Access Digital Curation Long Term Archiving 07.12.2018
eSciDoc: What for? Publish, Visualize, Manage and Work with Data Artifacts Publication Data Research Data Across Disciplines Using a Service Oriented Architecture Unified Infrastructure and Specialized Solutions Within the context of Research Questions Integrating existing Solutions While also addressing Aspects of Data Reliability and Data Quality Data Curation and Long Term Preservation Artifact Lifecycle Support Semantic Relations between Artifacts 07.12.2018
eSciDoc Architecture General View Infrastructure to ensure sustainability Services to connect and disseminate data Solutions to visualize, publish, manage, work with data Generalized in concepts, processes and technology to develop new and sustainable solutions easily 07.12.2018
eSciDoc as an eScience Environment Facilitates introspection on Artifacts and Processes within the Scientific Information Lifecycle Possible Artifact Aggregations and Relations Open and Sustainable Formats Data Curation and Data Stewardship Institutional eScience Potential Therefore also supports Scientific Organizational Development 07.12.2018
eSciDoc Outside View First Releases available for Download at Established Open Source License -> CDDL and CC-by eSciDoc Days 9./10. June 2008 in Berlin Starting External Community Building > 100 Participants External Vital Interest HU-Berlin, Germany DANS, Netherlands NIMS, Japan GBV, Göttingen, Germany GFZ Potsdam, Germany King’s College, UK 07.12.2018
Results WALS Pubman Release 3 Faces Release 1 VIRR Release 1 Erhebliche Verbesserungen der Performance Item Retrieval 2007: 4-10s, zurzeit: 2ms Ingest pro Item 2007: 40s, zurzeit: 250ms 07.12.2018
Architektur 07.12.2018
Core Services 07.12.2018
Intermediary Services 07.12.2018
Application Services 07.12.2018
Overall Timeline Closed Project “Test Drive” Community Project MPS/ FIZ Karlsruhe - internal community process Evolving community process Fully fledged open community process eSciDoc Days June 10, 2008 eSciDoc project ends July 31, 2009 07.12.2018 Seite eSciDoc Project
Thank You for the Attention ! End Thank You for the Attention ! 07.12.2018