“…and they did not love their lives to the death” Revelation 12:11


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Presentation transcript:

“…and they did not love their lives to the death” Revelation 12:11 a. Heb 11:39 – “And all these having obtained a good testimony through faith…” b. Rev 12:11 – “and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” c. I see in these two instances a choice that was made. This decision was not based on the physical, the now, it was based upon the unseen and that which was to come. These are held up to us as examples because they chose suffering when they could have chosen not to suffer.

Choosing the Lions Daniel 6 I. Introduction A. Some have said that our lives are merely a compilation of the choices that we make. It seems to me that there is some truth to that statement. There can surely be no doubt that the choices we make in this life have monumental and eternal consequences, at least as they pertain to our individual souls. 1. I sometimes wonder if we truly appreciated the gravity of the choices that we make. B. The Bible is full of examples of people that made choices that I have to wonder if many of us today would make 1. It seems that our decision making tends to be somewhat self involved. We have a tendency to base our decision making on the physical; geared toward comfort and enriching this life, perhaps with little thought to the one to come

I. Introduction A. Some have said that our lives are merely a compilation of the choices that we make. It seems to me that there is some truth to that statement. There can surely be no doubt that the choices we make in this life have monumental and eternal consequences, at least as they pertain to our individual souls. 1. I sometimes wonder if we truly appreciated the gravity of the choices that we make. B. The Bible is full of examples of people that made choices that I have to wonder if many of us today would make 1. It seems that our decision making tends to be somewhat self involved. We have a tendency to base our decision making on the physical; geared toward comfort and enriching this life, perhaps with little thought to the one to come

Choosing the Lions The Setting Daniel was part of a group of captives assigned to the King’s court Daniel spent most of his life in this captivity By the time of Chapter 6, Daniel was a wise elder statesman of great faith

Choosing the Lions The Plot Against Daniel The Devil will use your faith against you (Dan 6:3-8) Great faith often leads to difficult decisions. (Heb 11) We must count the cost and be prepared to pay. (Luke 14:26-33) Faith is a shield, but at the same time our faith identifies us as a target We must understand that the price of discipleship is high, the path is difficult

Choosing the Lions Daniel’s Choice His choice was deliberate Daniel’s concern was for the entire nation Nothing indicates that Daniel knew he would live (Dan 3:15-18)

Choosing the Lions Daniel’s Choice Daniel’s choice was made long before the decree was signed This choice was a product of who Daniel was

How Could He Make this Choice Choosing the Lions How Could He Make this Choice Daniel was a righteous man Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself

How Could He Make this Choice Choosing the Lions How Could He Make this Choice Daniel trusted the Lord This trust was not in God’s intervention in the particulars of his life His trust was in God’s revealed plan He had developed a deep courage