Unit 4 – Development through the Life Stages Understand the potential effects of life factors and events on the development of the individual - Lesson 12
Learning Outcomes of Unit 4 You will be able to: Identify and define the stages of growth and development through the human lifespan, Identify, define and apply the potential effects of life factors and events on the development of the individual, Identify and define the physical and psychological changes of ageing.
In the spotlight A volunteer is asked five questions. The rest of the class mark down whether they agree or disagree with the answers so that the whole class is tested. Could use whiteboards or voting cards.
Bullying Discrimination ca result in bullying which can undermine your self esteem, confidence and create stress, depression and anxiety, Children can experience bullying at school but adults also engage in bullying, The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) stress the importance of telling others, talking about the problem and getting support in order to cope with and prevent bullying within an educational context.
What forms of bullying might take place? What do you think ? What forms of bullying might take place?
Physical violence or assault Bullying can involve Theft of property Physical violence or assault Verbal insults Exclusion
Bullying can involve Receiving abusive messages Receiving constant criticism Interfering with personal possessions False stories being shared about you
Family dysfunction A family is a social group of people related genetically or by marriage, There are four common types of families: Extended – parents, children, grandparents, and sometimes other relatives live together or near each other, Nuclear – mother, father and children live together, Reconstituted – as in nuclear families adults and children lives together but the children are not biologically related to both adults, Lone parent – a lone parent lives with a child or with children
Have a think ? Using the flipchart paper you have been given, in your groups draw and label the perfect family including key features of a well functioning family.
Dysfunctional family A dysfunctional family is seen as a family that is not working well and not providing the some or all of the benefits a well functioning family does.
A dysfunctional family Using the flipchart paper you have been given, in your groups draw and label a dysfunctional family including key features of a dysfunctional family.
Culture, religion and beliefs How might the three concepts above have a positive or negative impact on an individual’s development ?
Culture, religion and beliefs A culture can be identified by distinct aspects of language, self presentation, religion, music, art, architecture and literature, Children learn the customs associated with their family’s culture during their childhood, and within their local community, Everyone on a particular estate, street or village might have shared beliefs about religion, work, and social roles,
Discrimination People are often discriminated against because of their race, beliefs, gender, religion, sexuality, physical or mental ability, or age.
Assignment 4.2
Today’s lesson/what you have learnt Brainstorm Today’s lesson/what you have learnt