Props are items which may move around the stage They are a whole job unto themselves and require a number of talents to buy, beg, borrow, steal and make
Preliminary Props List First thing to do is make a list of everything the script dictates you will need. Then decide from where it will come.
Props in production In the play “The Gut Girls” a pig is butchered on stage. All parts of the animal are extracted and prepared. Props must accurately create each organ, place it appropriately in the pig carcass and include finer details like fresh blood.
Props List Once you have collected all of your props you need to categorise them how and where they will be used in the play. They may go on and off stage more than once!
Hand Prop
Personal Prop
Set Props Hamlet Finds Yorick’s skull on the ground
Props Table Every show the props are organised on a table listed by scene and item each item must be returned to this table when it is not on stage. The table must be properly organised after each show has taken place
After Each Performance After the show has finished for the day the props team must stay behind and restock recreate, repair and reorganise the props for the following day’s Performance.
Post Production Storage After the show closes all props need to be returned to owner or organised and stored for further use.