Montgomery Bus Boycotts Presentation created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Americas History Images as cited.
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man. She was arrested and charged with violating a local segregation ordinance.
Parks act was not the spur-of-the- moment decision that it seemed. A woman of sterling reputation and a long-time NAACP member, she had been chosen to play that part.
Rosa Parks fit the bill perfectly for the challenge the local NAACP intended against segregated buses.
Once the die was cast, the black community turned for leadership to the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., the recently appointed pastor of Montgomerys Dexter Street Baptist Church.
The son of a prominent black minister in Atlanta, King embraced the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, whose campaigns of passive resistance had led to Indias independence from Britain in
After Rosa Parks arrest, King endorsed a plan by a local black womens organization to boycott Montgomerys bus system until it was integrated.
For the next 381 days Montgomery blacks formed car pools or walked to work. The bus company neared bankruptcy, and downtown stores complained about the loss of business.
But only after the Supreme Court ruled in November 1956 that bus segregation was unconstitutional did the city of Montgomery finally comply.
The Montgomery bus boycott catapulted King to national prominance.
In 1957, along with the Reverend Ralph Abernathy, he founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), based in Atlanta.
The black church, long the center of African American social and cultural life, now lent its moral and organizational strength to the civil rights movement.
Black churchwomen were a tower of strength, transferring the skills honed by years of church work to the fight for civil rights. Soon the SCLC joined the NAACP as one of the main advocacy groups for racial justice.