Add the new objective to your log and self evaluate. Monday, September 22, 2014 Objective: Students will distinguish between different isotopes of an elements and determine the number of atomic particles. Warm-Up Add the new objective to your log and self evaluate. How many Neutrons do the following elements have: K, Zn, I Agenda: Isotope Notes and Practice
Isotope Is an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Isotopes are different forms of the same atom!
How to Write an Isotope 2 Ways: Element Name-Mass Number Ex: Carbon-12 Element Notation: Ex:
Finding Neutrons: Find the atomic number of the element and subtract it from the new mass number. Ex: Carbon-12 Mass Number: 12 Atomic Number: 6 12-6= 6 Neutrons Ex: Mass Number: 14 14-6=8 Neutrons
The Same Properties Because an isotope is a variation of the same atom, all isotopes have similar properties, because they are all forms of the same thing!! The number of protons and electrons is the same! Only the number of neutrons change!
Brain Break: Class Walk