L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable Bus Timetables
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable What Mathematics will you have to use when you plan a bus timetable?
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable Otto is starting up a new bus company in Norfolk. The only problem is, he left school at 14 without any qualifications and cant work out how to set up a timetable.
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable Otto has worked out how Norfolk wants the busses to run. He has given you this sheet telling you all of the rules about his bus routes.
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable You will be getting the map of Norfolk you used for the Easter Egg Hunt 2 years ago to help plan your timetable. Start and End here
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable Bus 1Otto Journey length StartDestinationMilesMinutes Depart time Arrival time NorwichGreat Yarmouth :00 am9:38 am Great Yarmouth Summerton :38 am9:56 am Summerton North Walsham 9:56 am You will have to complete a timetable plan for each of the busses, like the one below.
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable You may have as many busses as you like The important rules are All busses set off at 9 a.m. Bus speeds depend on the distance travelled Each town must be visited twice per day All routes must start and end in Norwich No bus may travel for longer than 8 hours
L.Obj: to plan a bus timetable As usual you will be asked to produce a poster to show your results. Make sure you have a timetable of your routes as well! Ottos Outrageous Outings Bus 1Otto Journey length StartDestinationMilesMinutesDepart timeArrival time NorwichGreat Yarmouth :00 am9:38 am Great Yarmouth Summerton :38 am9:56 am Summerton North Walsham19 389:56 am10:34 am North Walsham Cromer :34 am10:54 am Cromer Sheringham :54 am11:04 am Sheringham Holt :04 am11:20am Holt Alysham :20am11:58 am Alysham Norwich :58 am12:24 pm