Limerick City Green Routes Corridor Selection Study Presentation to Limerick City Council 14 th February 2008
Introduction n Limerick City Council aim to improve accessibility to the city centre for specified modes of transport through the construction of Green Routes on the approaches into the city. n Arup/ DBFL Consulting Engineers were appointed to carry out a Corridor Selection Study aimed at identifying the best routes in the city for the provision of Green Routes.
What is a Green Route? n A Green Route is a road (or corridor) on which specified modes of transport are promoted, for example public transport, bicycle use and walking; through the redistribution (or addition) of road space from the motor car.
What is a Green Route? n Green Routes are a means of achieving: F Service punctuality and reliability; F Quick journeys at peak times; F Good quality shelters and safe stops; and F Accurate service information.
Design Principles n The design principles for the corridors are as follows: u Improved bus service through the provision of bus priority and improved bus stopping facilities. u Improved facilities for bicycles through the provision of cycle lanes (where feasible). u Improved facilities for pedestrians by providing enhanced footpaths and additional crossing points. u Improved road safety provisions.
Design Objectives n Improve accessibility to the city centre n Deliver a sustainable transport system n Linkage to other transport nodes (rail, bus station and park and ride sites) n Deliver a choice of transport modes to the public F Target bus speed of 22kph (currently 10 kph) F Min. increase of 25% in overall bus journey times F Min. increase of 20% in person carrying capacity
Whole Journey Concept Find information Travel to destination Alight from bus Travel in bus Board bus Wait for bus Travel to bus stop Find information Travel to destination Alight from bus Travel in bus Board bus Wait for bus Travel to bus stop For a potential or existing bus passenger a journey comprises the following elements: Providing an excellent bus service that is largely inaccessible will not promote bus use (if its not where people want it to be or on routes that people do not want to travel it will remain empty).
Travel Surveys n Numerous surveys have been carried out: u Journey time surveys by bus and car; u Traffic counts at junctions; and u Parking surveys along the corridor (06:00 -19:00) u Topographical surveys *Limerick County Council recorded a 12 minute reduction in peak hour journey times following the introduction of the Green Route to Raheen
n All practical routes entering the city centre from the North, East, South and West of the city centre were investigated. n The assessment concentrated on the following criteria in determining the advantageous and disadvantages associated each option. u Current City Bus Service u Length of Route u Length of routes within the area of another Local Authority u Catchment Area Served u Congestion u Typical Cross Section u Existing Bus Priority u Potential for bus priority u Off-street Parking u Traffic Calming u Split Routing Corridor Option Assessment
Corridor Selection Ranking The corridor selection process was ranked based on the following procedure: Green – Fulfils the criteria; Amber – fulfils some of the criteria but not all; and Red – does not fulfil the criteria. The overall ranking is subjective, based on the information assembled but is primarily based on the number of positive (green) criteria achieved.
Southern Corridor Assessment A total of five routes were investigated: 1.Ballinacurra Road 2.Dock Road 3.South Circular Road 4.Propsect Hill 5.Hyde Road Route Suitability Short Term (0-2 years)Ballinacurra Road Medium Term (2 to 5 years)Hyde Road Long Term (>5 years)Dock Road.
Southern Corridor Assessment Ballinacurra Road R526 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane from South Circular Road to Childers Road junction 2.Co-ordination of traffic signals at Punchs Cross to allow a green wave for public transport vehicles. OConnell Avenue (Inbound and Outbound) N20 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane approaching the junction of St Gerard Street 2.Introduce bus detection at the junction of St Gerard Street / OConnell Avenue 3.The provision of an inbound bus lane approaching the junction of Mallow Street/ OConnell Avenue. 4.The provision of an outbound bus lane on the OConnell Avenue approach to Punchs Cross.
Western Corridor Assessment A total of three routes were investigated: 1.Ennis Road 2.Northern Ring Road 3.Condell Road Route Suitability Short Term (0-2 years)Ennis Road Northern Ring Road Medium Term (2 to 5 years)Condell Road
Western Corridor Assessment North Ring Road R445/ Cratloe Road 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane on the Northern Ring Road from Ivans Cross to Cratloe Roundabout. 2.The provision of an inbound bus lane on the Northern Ring Road, Cratloe Road approaching the signalised junction at Hassetts Cross. Sexton Street (North) R445 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane along Sexton Street (North) into High Road Thomondgate. Ennis Road (Inbound) R857 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane along Ennis Road between Pairc na nGael and Belfield Gardens..
Eastern Corridor Assessment A total of two routes were investigated: 1.Childers Road/ Ballysimon Road 2.Dublin Road Route Suitability Short Term (0-2 years)Childers Road Medium/ Long Term Dublin Road (2 to 6 years)
Eastern Corridor Assessment Childers Road R509 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane from Parkway Retail Park along Childers Road to Kilmallock Road Roundabout. 2.The provision of an outbound bus lane approaching the Parkway roundabout on Childers Road. Kilmallock Road 1.Provide a contra-flow bus lane along Kilmallock Road at Bengal Terrace to facilitate inbound buses 2.Revise the road layout at the Pike to allow buses to travel outbound on Kilmallock Road via a contra-flow bus lane. Mulgrave Street R527 1.The provision of an inbound bus lane along Mulgrave Street to Cathedral Place
Next Steps u Launch Draft Corridor Selection Report u Invite comments from the public and other interested bodies on the Draft Corridor Selection Report u Prepare Final report in response to the submissions received on the Draft Corridor Selection Report