Criminal OvERDUE processing
What is Criminal OverdUe Processing? Overdue Processing is a utility that gives the user options to apply overdue actions to cases for events as of the following: Failure To Appear, Failure To Comply, and Failure To Pay on multiple cases if selected.
Actions Such actions can be tied to the events: Add a charge Add a document Add a fee Add a reminder Add a rule docket entry
Events are set up to trigger certain actions to be taken on those cases who meet the criteria. Example: A case has a defendant who failed to appear for court (FTA)
The timeframe is The event set up will determine the amount of time between the timeframe and when it appears in the overdue process utility. This is the timeframe.
Steps necessary for Setting up Overdue Processing Decide on actions that your Judge does on a regular basis that you can use to set up overdue processing. Contact Local Government and have them set up your overdue processing. LG will need to know all the actions that you want associated with the type of event you will be using Overdue Processing for. How you want the hearing result to read, example-Failure to Appear for Court/Capias Issued, Failure to Comply/Capias Issued and so on.
Sorting Your Work It’s helpful if you sort your work according to the set bond amount of the capias, whether or not you need to issue a Scire Facias. You can run this utility multiple times for the same dates.
Starting Overdue Processing Once your overdue processing has been set up you will take the following steps. 1. Result your hearings for a specific court date. 2. To trigger overdue processing, defendants that fail to appear, fail to comply or fail to pay must be resulted with the hearing result of failure to appear for court, failure to comply or failure to pay that is set up with special processing.
Helpful Hint: Because it takes the overdue processing a while to print, I advise that you open another TnCIS window so you can work while these are printing.
To Run Overdue Processing: Utilities Overdue Processing Folder Overdue Processing
Here you will select your court type: Overdue will automatically create a batch. then add the beginning and ending date Check box for type you are running Because of a glitch currently you will need to add a couple days to the beginning and ending date. This is on the list to be corrected.
Choose your event from the drop down Choose your event from the drop down. This will populate the actions that are tied to that event as well as drop in all cases that have been resulted failure to appear for court (delete any action not needed) Check the boxes next to the cases you want.
NOTES: Any notes may be added on this overdue processing notes screen. These notes will show on the front screen of your overdue processing batch under Overdue Batches. T
These notes will show on your overdue batch under Overdue Processing Batches. Double click on batch to view notes.
Click Next: This screen shows dates run for and how many cases have been selected for this process.
Click Next Click Finish: from this screen you can print your overdue processing report
This is the overdue processing report with the cases and actions you’ve selected.
Select the documents to print and the printer
Because of a glitch if you selected Scire Facias you will need to go back in to each case. Open the Scire Facias document. You must check the box beside the defendant and name. To associate the bond with document. Print the document. After this TTP item is fixed you will not have to do this.
Upon disposition the fees associated with the documents will fall in. You will be able to go back in each case it will show the documents you added as issued and create a rule docket entry for them. Upon disposition the fees associated with the documents will fall in. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND