Positions on open points WLTP DTP subgroup LabProcICE WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-262_1 Positions on open points WLTP DTP subgroup LabProcICE Incl. initial proposals from LabProcICE leading team, 08.10.2013 Based on input by the following stakeholders: Drafting Coordinator Japan (LabProcICE-250) EU-COM (LabProcICE-254rev2) ANNEX 7 to 9 General remarks: This presentation includes the comments which were decided by LabProcICE leading team to be confirmed or discussed at the f2f meeting. All other issues/comments which are purely editorial or already approved by LabProcICE leading team will be reviewed and transposed by the Drafting Coordinator. The input from other stakeholders has been transposed to the LabProcICE master amendment draft (LabProcICE-263) Remark on EC comments: The comments by Iddo Riemersma (IR) were taken from the document LabProcICE-rev2. Please note: Unfortunately the numbering of the comments is not consistent with Revision 1. 07/12/2018
ANNEX 7 – Calculations 07/12/2018
2. Determination of diluted exhaust gas volume LabProcICE: Feedback from experts 3. Mass emissions 3.1. General requirements LabProcICE: To be confirmed by experts
3.2. Mass emissions calculation LabProcICE: To be checked by experts and corrected, if necessary.
To be checked by experts and corrected, if necessary. 3.2. Mass emissions calculation The average NO concentration is calculated as follows: LabProcICE: To be checked by experts and corrected, if necessary. (same in
To be checked by experts and corrected, if necessary. 3.2. Mass emissions calculation To calculate HC mass emission for compression-ignition engines, the average HC concentration is calculated as follows: LabProcICE: To be checked by experts and corrected, if necessary.
[5. Calculation of cycle energy demand] LabProcICE: Delete brackets [5. Calculation of cycle energy demand] [ LabProcICE: To be clarified
Calculation of cycle energy demand . . . LabProcICE: Proposal to be delivered to DC
6. Fuel consumption calculations for ICE vehicles NEW: 6. Fuel consumption calculations for ICE vehicles JAPAN: Annex6, Appendix 2, includes fuel consumption correction fomula, but original fuel consumption formula does not exist in gtr except for HEV vehicle (Annex8). Add new paragraph 6 to ANNEX 7 Fuel consumption formula needed for ICE. Refer to UN-R101 (see LabProcICE-255rev1). LabProcICE: Japan is correct. Proposal needs to be provided to DC. 07/12/2018
Fuel consumption interpolation method JAPAN: ANNEX 7, includes calculation of the CO2 value for an individual vehicle by the CO2 interpolation method Add a fuel consumption interpolation method to the gtr (analogous to the CO2 interpolation method) LabProcICE: Japan is correct. Proposal needs to be provided to DC. 07/12/2018
ANNEX 8 – Pure and hybrid electric vehicles 07/12/2018
Exchange of views between EV & ICE LabProcICE: EV decision Phase 1B Exchange of views between EV & ICE 07/12/2018
ANNEX 9 – System equivalency 07/12/2018
Copied from gtr No. 4 (WHDC) Not reviewed yet. LabProcICE: Phase 1b 07/12/2018