Part 2 – Control and Protection ISOCYANATES Part 2 – Control and Protection NOTES: This symbol ▼ indicates you need to click the mouse before reading the next line or slide. 2. Statements in Italics are meant as a guide for you, a recommendation of what to do. 3. The word DISCUSSION indicates that the slide content is organized in a Question and Answer format. After you read each question, have students shout out the answers or call on students. Repeat answers as needed so everyone can hear them. 4. “----” indicates a short pause to give students time to answer the question. 5. The words in bold appear on the slide. -----------end NOTES------------------ Today we will talk about how to control your exposure to isocyanates and how to protect yourself. ▼
Precautions Know what you are using Minimize your exposure Use personal protective equipment (PPE) Keeping yourselves and your colleagues safe is not complicated. First, you must know what chemicals you are using. Then, minimize your exposure by properly using equipment and safe work practices, And, use appropriate personal protective equipment or PPE. ▼
Safety data sheets (SDS) Available and accessible to everyone List product ingredients you can identify which products contain isocyanates Include information on health effects Explain what to do in case of emergency Safety data sheets should be available and accessible to everyone. A product SDS may be found in paper format or online. Tell students where and how to find the SDS for the products used in the shop. An SDS will: ▼ list the product ingredients. In the previous presentation you learned how to use an SDS to identify which products contain isocyanates. ▼ Include information on health effects ▼ and Explain what to do in case of an emergency. ▼
Minimize Exposure Paint only in a paint booth Check booth ventilation and filters Mix only in the mixing room with ventilation ON Clean up small spills correctly Wear PPE Exposure or contact with isocyanates can harm your health. To minimize exposure: ▼ Paint only in a properly functioning paint booth. Check that the ventilation system works properly, and that filters are changed on a regular basis. Tell students they will have a chance to learn and practice hands-on when they start working in the shop.▼ Mix coats only in a ventilated mixing room. Be sure the ventilation is turned on and that air intake and exhaust are not covered or blocked.▼ Clean up small spills correctly. Report large spills to on of the instructors. Explain what qualifies as a small spill in your shop and what are the procedures for cleaning it up. ▼ Wear PPE ▼
PPE- Skin Body Hands disposable suit (e.g. Tyvek) with a hood nitrile gloves (8 mils) It is important to protect your skin from coming in contact with isocyanates. This means your body, as well as you hands. To protect your body: ▼ Wear a disposable paint suit made of chemical-resistant materials, such as Tyvek. Select a suit with a hood – especially if you do not wear a respirator that covers your entire head. To protect your hands: ▼ Wear chemical –resistant gloves, such as nitrile gloves 8 mils thick or greater. ▼ Do not wear medical-grade latex gloves! They are not chemical-resistant and can cause skin sensitization. ▼ Do not wear medical-grade latex gloves!
PPE - Eyes & Lungs Chemical-resistant goggles Respirator To protect your eye from isocyanates, use chemical-resistant goggles that seal around your face. To protect your lungs from isocyanates, you must use a respirator. You will learn about respirators in another module. As you will see, some respirators will protect your eyes as well. ▼
Summary Spray in a properly functioning booth Mix coats only in a mixing room with ventilation on Wear a full-body suit and chemical-resistant gloves Protect your eyes – wear goggles In summary, To minimize your exposure to isocyanates: ▼ Spray in a properly functioning booth ▼ Mix coats only in a mixing room with ventilation on ▼ Protect your skin – wear a full-body suit and chemical-resistant gloves ▼ Protect your eyes – wear goggles ▼
Questions? Do you have any questions?
End of Part 2 – Control and Protection This is the end of the module on Isocyanates.