Giesbrecht Training for Core Muscles Sports Medicine 20 Giesbrecht Training for Core Muscles
Identifying the Core
Core Muscles Pelvic Floor Muscles
Core Connections
Hip Adductors vs Hip Abductors
Muscles of the Core Region
Layers of the Abdominals
Movement of the Core Muscles
Movements of the Core Muscles
Muscle Origins & Insertions [Diaphragm]
Origins & Insertions: Internal Oblique
Origins & Insertions: External Oblique
Origins & Insertions: Rectus Abdominus
Origins & Insertions: Transverse Abdominus
Origins & Insertions: Back Extensors
How does Posture & the Core Connect?
How does Posture & the Core Connect?
Isometric versus Isotonic What is an Isometric Exercise? How does an Isometric Exercise differ from an Isometric Exercise? What are the two types of Isotonic Contractions?
Time Limit Exercise vs Rep/Set Exercise When would you use each? Why is Time Limit such a good option for Core Work?
Foundational vs Functional What is a Foundational Exercise? How does a Foundational Exercise differ from a Functional Exercise?
Plank: Key Posture Points
Squats: Key Posture Points
Deadlift: Key Posture Points
Sit Ups: Key Posture Points
Twisting Sit Ups: Key Posture Points
How to Engage the Core More How do you adapt a traditional exercise to engage the core more?