EUPAN 18-04-2005
EUPAN 18-04-2005
The merging of the following websites : “Dialogue with citizens” EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe is: A joint initiative of DG ENTR, DG MARKT with the support of DG PRESS in collaboration with Member States The merging of the following websites : “Dialogue with citizens” “Dialogue with business” “Public-services” Developed and financed by the IDABC program Single Access Point to information on cross border activities and access to e-services The target audience is a citizen or a business in a cross-border situation in the EU. The portal will also increase awareness of existing on-line services available on national and EU portals and websites
1 2 Your Europe - objectives: EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe - objectives: 1 Make information access appropriate to the needs of the type of users: As required by citizens, provide them mainly with information in the form of texts (factsheets and guides) Provide business with information in the form of links Incorporate and give access to: eServices (advice: Citizen’s Signpost Service, problem solving: SOLVIT) Services (European Information Centers, European Consumer Centers) 2 Encourage more citizens and businesses to become active users of the internal market Raise awareness of the Commission's practical information and advice services A response to citizens' and businesses' needs
Your Europe – linguistic policy: EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe – linguistic policy: Site Level Linguistic policy Applicable to Portal 1 One multilingual page Start-up page Multilingual index page 2 All official EU languages Main page Navigation page FAQ's (contains stable information and can be considered as another way to access site information) Interactive page (search, contact facilities) Citizens Guides (2005) 3 EN, FR, DE plus official language(s) of the country to which the information refer All content provided within the portal itself (except Citizens Guides) External sites to which the portal links 4 Official language(s) of the country plus one other official EU language (recommended) National-level sites and services
Your Europe: facts and figures EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: facts and figures Participation of the MS through an Editorial Board Launch the 17th of February 2005 (IDABC conference) In March: 242 764 visitors 573 764 visits 1 193 514 pages viewed The portal is divided into 2 sections : citizens section and business section For each topic, the user will have access to information at European level but also at national level
Europe Direct Your Europe Citizens Euro Signpost Info Service Centres EUPAN 18-04-2005 The ‘Cascade’ General Information about EU legislation Other Networks Europe Direct Information Relays (DG Presse) European Consumer Centres (DG Health and Consumer protection) Mobility Centres for researchers (DG Research) Europe Direct Specific information about rights in the internal market Your Europe Personalised advice for citizens (CSS) and businesses (EIC) Citizens Euro Signpost Info Service Centres Problem solving SOLVIT, FIN-NET
Your Europe: the responsabilities EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: the responsabilities Citizens section DG MARKT Business section DG ENTR European information & promotion DG MARKT & ENTR
Your Europe: the citizen part EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: the citizen part
Links to other EU citizens’ information and advice services EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: the citizens - navigation toolbar 11 general EU-wide Guides – gives direct access to the Guides. 89 factsheets – drop down menus where you specify: the general area of interest the specific area of interest the country concerned (unless EU-wide principles are sufficient) language (EN, FR, DE or of the country concerned) Useful addresses – drop down menu where you specify: the general area of interest the country concerned language Links to other EU citizens’ information and advice services
Your Europe: citizens – services EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: citizens – services EUROPE DIRECT: Phone free (or e-mail) with your questions about the EU. Citizens Signpost Services: Free personalised advice from legal experts on your practical rights as an EU citizen. You will receive a reply - in your own language - within a maximum of 8 days. Solvit: Help in correcting misapplication of EU rules by a public administration in another EU country. European Ombudsman EURES ERACAREERS: The pan-European Researcher's Mobility Portal. Eurydice Ploteus FIN-NET European Consumers Centres Your Voice in Europe
Your Europe: what has been done (citizens) EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: what has been done (citizens) Launch February 2005 of new “Your Europe” portal (press launch 7 March) Development of Your Europe logo Modernisation, improvement, redesign and press launch September 2004 of the Dialogue with Citizens site – now integrated into Your Europe Expansion of Citizens Signpost Service to 20 languages: made available to new citizens on 1 May 2004 Information campaign on the Citizens Signpost Service
Your Europe: what is being done (citizens) EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: what is being done (citizens) Update of all Guides well advanced – to be in all languages and to include transitional measures Print and web publicity leaflet on the Guides – expected summer in all languages First batch of 22 factsheets on new Member States in progress – expected autumn 2005 in EN/FR/DE and the language of MS concerned. Updating existing factsheets – a continuous process e.g. sheets on boarding in air transport and on EU health insurance card being prepared now Creation of new factsheets Improve the navigability of the citizens part
Your Europe: the business part EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: the business part
Your Europe: the business - navigation toolbar EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: the business - navigation toolbar General EU wide information on 8 business topics: Business life, Funding opportunities, Public procurement, Regulation and Financing, Business Development, Taxation, Social & Human Information, Market Information Information about individual Member states on 8 business topics Info in EN/DE/FR + language of the MS Links to other information and advice services for businesses Top right menu: Links related to EU info and MS info
Your Europe: business - services EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: business - services Business support network - contact points in Europe, which inform, advice and assist SMEs in all Europe-related matters SOLVIT - Help in correcting misapplication of EU rules by a public administration in another EU country Enterprise News - Latest news and press releases on enterprise and industry policy from the European Commission EUROPE DIRECT
Your Europe: what has been done (business) EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: what has been done (business) Business section of the portal is brand new EU wide information about all business topics are in EN/FR/DE together with useful links Business information about 12 MS together with links are included Some translations are still going on Portal in general: new guidelines are developed for next phase of the portal, MSs are encouraged to send their contributions
Info/request: EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: communication tools Promotional buttons available (56x150 pix) Logo in 72/175/300 dpi (grey and color) Title and subtitle in EN/DE/FR in 72/175/300 dpi (grey and color) Webdescription in EN/DE/FR Other printed documents will be developed (posters, bookmarks, leaflets,...) Press documents available (IP, memo,...) MS will develop tools Info/request:
Info/request: EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: technical info Promotional material will be soon available on a repository server. E-mail address : the contact page is handle by EUROPE DIRECT. An electronic form is available now Link to the site: regarding the subject, a link can be done to site multilingual access site homepage citizens homepage business homepage Info/request:
EUPAN 18-04-2005
Your Europe: Public employment factsheet (proposal) EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: Public employment factsheet (proposal) Where: Main topic: Employment Sub topic: public employment (new) Creation of the content: Member states (national information) Commission (European information) The factsheet will be created based on the template provide by the Commission. The styles used in the template are designed to be manage by the back-office system of the portal. For this technical reason, the styles in the Word document have to be kept as they are proposed.
Coordination: Luc Joosten Content: Graça Barbedo DG ENTR EUPAN 18-04-2005 Your Europe: contacts DG MARKT (unit A4) Coordination: Luc Joosten Content: Graça Barbedo DG ENTR Coordination: Gavino Murgia Content: Zuzana Mazanova