P. Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI) – project co-ordinator on behalf of the SCI-BUS consortium SCIence gateway Based User Support (SCI-BUS)
SCI-BUS is a 3-year EU FP7 project Starting in 1 st of October 2011 Build 17 science gateways to various user communities in Europe There are 10 academic and 5 commercial partners Introduction to SCI-BUS
Academic consortium members Participant organisation namePart. short nameCountry Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Szamitastechnikai es Automatizalasi Kutato Intezet MTA SZTAKIHungary Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam AMCThe Netherlands ETH Zurich ETHSwitzerland Middle East Technical University METUTurkey Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen EKUTGermany University of Westminster UoWUK University of Zaragoza UNIZAR-BIFISpain INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania INAFItaly Laurea University LUFinland The Provost Fellows & Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin TCDIreland
Commercial consortium members Participant organisation namePart. short name Country Simsoft Ltd.SIMSOFTTurkey E-Group Ltd.EGHungary Scaletools Ltd.STSwitzerland CloudBroker GmbHCBSwitzerland 4D Soft Ltd.4DHungary
1.To create a generic-purpose gateway technology as a toolset to provide seamless access to major computing, data and networking infrastructures and services. 2.To elaborate an application-specific gateway building technology and customisation methodology based on which user communities can easily develop their own customised gateway 3.To use the gateway technology and customisation methodology to create application-specific gateways for various user communities and to provide gateway services for these communities 4.To disseminate the application-specific gateway building technology and the customisation methodology and best-practice case studies for many user communities in Europe Main goals of SCI-BUS
1.To create and maintain a Liferay portlet repository that enables the quick creation of user specific customised gateways on top of the generic-purpose gateway 2.To provide gateway development, operation and maintenance support for the new communities to build and operate their own customised gateways 3.To provide user support for application developers and end-users to develop and run new DCI applications based on the developed gateways 4.To develop business models that guarantee the sustainability of the gateway services developed in the project to enable the commercial exploitation of the developed technologies Main goals of SCI-BUS (2)
The gateway services will enable unified access to all the major DCI infrastructures used in Europe: Local and remote clusters accessed by queuing systems (PBS, LSF, Condor, SGE) Local and remote supercomputers Local and volunteer DGs (BOINC, XtremWeb, OurGrid) Grids (ARC, gLite, Globus, UNICORE) Academic Public and Private Clouds (OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, etc.) Public Commercial Clouds (Amazon EC2, IBM Cloud, etc.) Architecture goals
Build and operate several application-specific gateways for various user communities: International seismology community Helio-physics community Swiss systems biology community of the SystemsX.ch project German MoSGrid computational chemistry and bioinformatics community Biomedical researchers community of the Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam Astrophysics community PireGrid SMEs community Business process modelling community involving a wide range of areas such as finance, healthcare, government, production, robotics and emergency Blender rendering community Citizen web-2 community Public application developer community Community support goals
SCI-BUS and subcontractors We plan to bring 6 subcontractors into the project by an open call (you are kindly invited to submit proposal) The goal of bringing subcontractors into the project: – To support communities not covered by the current consortium – To validate the ASM API and the customization methodology – To get more feedback from user communities – To increase the number of customized gateways – To increase the number of portlets in the Portlet Repository – To increase the number of applications in the Application Repository – To increase the overall impact of the project Selection criteria: – Size of the community – Impact of the application – Engagement in the dissemination activities of SCI-BUS
SCI-BUS and interested communities The gateway customization technology will be provided for user communities in order to create their own user- specific gateways User communities who already expressed their interest to use the SCI-BUS services: No. Project/Initiative/Community 1Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre 2SystemsX.ch 3Turkish Research and Business Organisations 4Rudjer Boskovic Institute on behalf of National Virtual Organization AdriaMeteo 5Blender Foundation 6European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre 7Kandilli Institute, as a partner of EPOS 8Swiss Multi Science Computing Grid project 9MoSGrid project
SCI-BUS and NGIs The generic purpose gateway technology will be provided for NGIs to support individual users in accessing DCIs NGIs who already expressed their interest to use the SCI-BUS services: 1Croatian NGI 2Malaysia NGI 3BIG Grid 4Turkish NGI 5Slovak NGI 6Swiss National Grid Association 7Italian NGI 8Bulgarian NGI 9Grid-Ireland 10Armenian NGI 11German NGI
SCI-BUS gateways, repositories and communities SCI-BUS Generic- Purpose gateway ELIEPOSMoSGridBioGrid BlenderETICSe-GroupSimSoft AMC hospital PireGrid SHIWA WF repository EGI/EDGI Appl. repositories SCI-BUS Appl. repository HU UK D TU B CH RO IR SP NGI Gateways Liferay Portlet repository SimSoft Customized gateways
SCI-BUS user scenarios
Portlets Repository Portlets Repository Applications Repository Applications Repository fMRI MRI simulator Sequencing …. NonLinSyst simulator NonLinSyst simulator SCI-BUS Generic Framework based on WS- PGRADE and Liferay SCI-BUS Generic Framework based on WS- PGRADE and Liferay Application Developer Portlet Developer Gateway Developer SCI-BUS Generic Framework SCI-BUS Generic Framework Portlet Application DCI Custom Gateway Scientist Gateway Operator Data transfer Profile Monitoring Function Workflow Job submission …. Workflow Template A Data management Portlet Function
Conclusions SCI-BUS will provide a generic purpose gateway technology based on WS-PGRADE The gateway will be integrated with CloudBroker to provide access to the major scientific and commercial clouds SCI-BUS will develop customization methodology by which at least 17 user-specific gateways will be created SCI-BUS will collaborate with other EU projects and communities to provide services for the broadest possible user communities