Warm Up – 9/5 Chi K’ang Tzu asked Confucius about government, saying, “What do you think of killing the wicked and associating with the good?” Confucius replied, “In your government what is the need of killing? If you desire what is good, the people will be good. The character of a ruler is like the wind and that of the people is like the grass. In whatever direction the wind blows, the grass always bends.” A) Briefly explain how this quote reflects Confucius’ ideas on government. B) Explain how Han Feizi would dispute this quote. C) Using specific examples from either the Qin OR Han dynasty explain how the ideas of Confucius OR Han Feizi were applied to Chinese government.
Chandragupta: 321 BCE-298 BCE Unified northern India Aryan kingdoms Divided his empire into provinces, then districts for tax assessments and law enforcement. He feared assassination [like Saddam Hussein] food tasters, slept in different rooms, etc. 301 BCE gave up his throne & became a Jain.
The Maurya Empire 321 BCE – 185 BCE
Ashoka (304 – 232 BCE) Converted to Buddhism after the gruesome battle of Kalinga in 262 BCE. Preached nonviolence and moderation Built extensive roads. Conflict how to balance keeping power and Buddha’s demands to become a selfless person?
Asoka’s Empire
Asoka’s law code Rock and Pillar Edicts scattered in more than 30 place in India, Nepal, Pakistan, & Afghanistan. Written mostly in Sanskrit, but one was in Greek and Aramaic. Reminded Mauryans to live generous and righteous lives Helped spread Buddhism beyond India
One of Asoka’sStupas
Women Under an Asoka tree
Turmoil & a power Vacuum: 220 BCE – 320 CE Tamils The Maurya Empire is divided into many kingdoms.
Gupta Empire: 320 CE – 647 CE
Gupta Rulers Chandra Gupta I Chandra Gupta II Hindu revival. r. 320 – 335 CE “Great King of Kings” Chandra Gupta II r. 375 - 415 CE Profitable trade with the Mediterranean world! Hindu revival. Huns invade – 450 CE
The Gupta Empire More centralized and smaller than Mauryan Peaceful and advances in arts and science Pi, zero, decimal systems Firm Hindu caste system Woman lost the right to own property, do rituals and study religion Child marriage
Chandra Gupta 11
International Trade Routes during the Guptas
Extensive Trade: 4c spices silks cotton goods rice & wheat spices horses gold & ivory gold & ivory cotton goods
Greatly influenced Southeast Asian art & architecture. Gupta Art Greatly influenced Southeast Asian art & architecture.
500 healing plants identified Printed medicinal guides Gupta Achievements 1000 diseases classified 500 healing plants identified Printed medicinal guides Kalidasa Literature Plastic Surgery Medicine Inoculations Gupta India C-sections performed Solar Calendar Astronomy Mathematics Decimal System The earth is round PI = 3.1416 Concept of Zero
The Decline of the Guptas Invasion of the White Huns in the 400s signaled the end of the Gupta Golden Age. Not enough taxes for defense Land divisions increased power of provincial officials