Etiwanda by Bus Mrs. M. Marino John L. Golden Elementary School Etiwanda School District
Objectives and Standards 3.2 Students describe the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent past 3.3 Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land. Grade Three History-Social Science Content Standards. Continuity and Change Students in grade three learn more about our connections to the past and the ways in which particularly local, but also regional and national, government and traditions have developed and left their marks on current society, providing common memories. Emphasis is on the physical and cultural landscape of California, including the study of American Indians, the subsequent arrival of immigrants, and the impact they have had in forming the character of our contemporary society. 3.2 Students describe the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent past 3.2.2 Discuss the ways in which physical geography, including climate, influenced how the local Indian nations adapted to their natural environment (e.g., how they obtained food, clothing, tools). 3.3 Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land. 3.3.1Research the explorers who visited here, the newcomers who settled here, and the people who continue to come to the region, including their cultural and religious traditions and contributions. 3.3.2 Describe the economies established by settlers and their influence on the present-day economy, with emphasis on the importance of private property and entrepreneurship. 3.3.3 Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps, photographs, oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources. 3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region. 3.5.1 Describe the ways in which local producers have used and are using natural resources, human resources, and capital resources to produce goods and services in the past and the present. 3.5.2 Understand that some goods are made locally, some elsewhere in the United States, and some abroad.
Hoppe House 6155 East Avenue Christmas tree farm Significance: Built in 1912 on land surrounded by grapevines, apricots, and lemons, this two-story bungalow was originally owned by the Hoppe Family of Etiwanda. The Hoppes moved to the region from neighboring Grapeland, California in 1900 and quickly established in the growing Etiwanda community. A number of the five Hoppe children remained in the area, most notable George Hoppe, planter of one of the first commercial Christmas tree farms.
Highland Avenue Street Trees Palm trees Eucalyptus trees Windrows Highland between Etiwanda and East Avenue Signifance: The Palm trees were chosen by William Chaffey for Highland’s street trees. The Eucalyptus trees replaced less drought-resistant Cypress trees. They served as windbreaks to protect the orchards and added definition to the Etiwanda Colony that was designed by George and William Chaffey. These and other windrows have been deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places because combined, the windbreaks and rock curbing of Etiwanda form a whole and unique rural landscape pattern.
Hippard Ranch 13181 Victoria Street Bernard Maybeck Significance: This land was purchased in 1882 from the Chaffey brothers for Samuel M. Hippard, a minister from Ohio, by his congregation, but he did not live to see it. It was inherited by his son George, who lived in San Francisco. The house was built in 1916 by architect Carr Jones. Carr Jones is associated with one of California’s most renowned architects, Bernard Maybeck, and this is his only building outside San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas. It is a unique symmetrical building of local rock and cypress logs, designed to blend with the surrounding and to bring the outdoors within.
Stegmeier House 7050 Etiwanda Avenue Jacob Stegmeier Queen Anne style Signifance: This Queen Anne style house was built in approximately 1908 and is virtually unchanged from the day Jacob Stegmeier crossed its threshold. Stegmeier played an important role in the development of Etiwanda. He served on the board of Directors in the telephone, packing, and shipping industries in Etiwanda.
Etiwanda Congregational Church 7126 Etiwanda Avenue 1902 Court Significance: This Queen Anne Victorian style wood church was built in 1902. The roof of the church is a high gable and a central bell tower is located over the entrance. In 1958 to 1960, the Etiwanda Justice Court used the church basement for trials. This structure was the center of most social activity in the Etiwanda community holding Boy Scout meetings in the basement and hosting monthly evening suppers and coffee hours after worship.
Chaffey-Garcia House 7150 Etiwanda Avenue Arc Lamps Telephone Significance: This house was built c. 1874 by Captain Joseph Garcia. It was purchased by the Chaffey brothers in 1882 and became the cornerstone of the Etiwanda townsite the brothers eventually laid out. Also of note, it was the location of the first electric light, west of the Rocky Mountains, in 1882, and home of the first long distance telephone call, in California. A hydro-electric generator produced sufficient power to provide electricity for the house. The house was moved on April 24, 1985, and restoration continued during the ensuing years. (Note: In 1881, George Chaffey Jr. visited California and rode over the Cucamonga Plains area. George and William, his brother, purchased Capt. Joseph Garcia's house and 560 acres of land, in 1881. The brothers formed a partnership to subdivide the area into 10 acre agricultural lots. They named the area "Etiwanda" in honor of a Canadian Indian Chief who had been a friend of the family. Chaffey Community College is named after the famous Chaffey family in recognition of their pioneering efforts.)
Fisher House 7165 Etiwanda Avenue Porch Home Telephone Company Significance: Estimated to have been built in 1895, this single story house was built of wood in a Folk-Victorian style. An integral porch is located on the front with lattice work frieze suspended under porch ceiling, turned porch supports and spindle-work in the balustrade. Porches are of wood. There are similar porches located at the rear of the structure on both the north and south sides. This house was the location of the switchboard for the Home Telephone Company which was organized in June 1907 and owned by the people of Etiwanda. The manual system switchboard was staffed by Florence Fisher and her daughter, Nellie, until the 1930’s
Grapeland School and the Bell Grapeland and Perdew 1892 Significance: The heritage of this elementary school dates back more than a century ago. In 1892, Grapeland School District was opened amongst the grape vineyards of the time. In 1901, Grapeland School District and the Perdew School District merged with the Etiwanda School District. The old Grapeland School House had a school bell, which was rung for school. The bell was stolen and hid in the brush for two years. When it was found, it was brought to the San Sevain Ranch. It was mounted so that it could be used. One of the best remembered times when it was rung was when Japan surrendered during World War II. A lady on the ranch heard the news on the radio, and since her nephew was on one of the Pacific Islands, she rang it for at least thirty minutes. The bell then somehow vanished soon after that. Upon the building of our new elementary school, the bell was found by long-time Etiwanda School District Board Member David Long and was the last construction piece installed for the schools dedication May 30th, 2003.
Chaffey-Isle House 1883 James C. Isle Citrus producer Founder Etiwanda Citrus Association Significance: One of the oldest surviving buildings from the origins of the Etiwanda Colony, the Chaffey-Isle House is significant historically and architecturally. The house was built in 1883, by George Chaffey Jr., one of the founders of the Etiwanda Colony. As a result of Chaffey's engineering and leadership, the Etiwanda Colony was the site of significant firsts in Southern California, including the first development of hydroelectric current, the first house and community to be lighted with electricity, the first successful mutual water company, the first irrigation project to use underground concrete pipe, and the first long distance telephone. Not long after Chaffey departed for Australia, in 1886, the house was purchased by James C. Isle, who moved it on log rollers to its present location. Isle achieved local prominence as a large-scale citrus producer and a founder of the Etiwanda Foothill Citrus Association. (It has since been moved to it’s location at Grapeland School.) Architecturally, the house is an excellent example of an 1880s Second Empire residence constructed on a small scale. Although somewhat deteriorated, the building still represents its type and period, and it is one of the rare surviving examples of a Mansard-roofed building in Southern California.
Etiwanda Railway Station 7089 Etiwanda Avenue Pacific Electric Line Significance: This single-story structure of poured concrete was built in 1914 as part of the Pacific electric Line. The architecture is an excellent example of local Mission Revival style. The most significant feature of the structure is the bell tower parapet. Early photographs show this tower actually contained a bell. The station saved citrus and grape growers a four mile trip in hauling their produce to Cucamonga. With the decline of the citrus industry, so too did rail traffic decline and this depot was closed in 1960 at which time it was leased to a lumber company.
Etiwanda Metate 6925 Etiwanda Avenue Shoshone Indians Significance: The Etiwanda Metate is a stone 28” wide, nearly round in shape, with a pit 7” deep and 9” in diameter. It is believed that the Metate was originally used for grinding acorns by local Shoshone Indians. This Native American appliance was found on the west bank of east Etiwanda Canyon by two local residents, in the late 1920’s. The stone was brought down from the foothills and was set in front of the Etiwanda Intermediate School where it still stands.
Johnston Home 6998 Etiwanda Avenue grapes and raisins Significance: This 1888 home was the home of the George F. and Jessica Johnston Family, one of the pioneer families of Etiwanda. He was instrumental in promoting the table grape crop in southern California and owned a local raisin packing house and stemmer. The Johnston family played an integral role in the early development of the Etiwanda community, being very active on the local school board and in the Congregational Church.
Etiwanda School District 1883 The first building was erected, in 1883, by the Chaffey brothers, on the corner of Baseline and East Avenues. It opened on May 8, 1883, and served the children of Etiwanda until 1890. A new two-room school house was constructed on the south-east corner of Etiwanda and Victoria Avenues. 6061 East Avenue. Etiwanda, CA 91739 (909) 899-2451 Fax (909) “ Excellence in Education”
Etiwanda by Bus (answer sheet) Name ___________________________________ Date _________ The George Hoppe was the planter of one of the first commercial Christmas tree farms. Palm and eucalyptus trees were used to shield the community from the high gusty winds. Bernard Maybeck, a famous architect from San Francisco, designed the Hippard Ranch for George Hippard. The Stegmeier House is a Queen Anne style that was built in 1908. The Etiwanda Congregational Church was the center of meetings in the community and for a time the Etiwanda Justice Court used the basement! The Chaffey-Garcia house was the location of the first electric light, west of the Rocky Mountains, in 1882. In 1895, the Fisher house was built with a porch that was quite detailed. This house is the location of the switchboard for the Home Telephone Company. The bell, that once called the students in for class at the first school, rang to celebrate the ending of World War II. George Chaffey Jr. departed to Australia in 1886, and this house was sold to James C Isle. In 1914, a Mission Revival style building was built as part of the Pacific Electric Line, the local railroad. The Etiwanda Metate is believed to be a grinding stone that was used by the local Shoshone Indians for grinding acorns. George F. Johnstone was instrumental in promoting table grape crops in southern California and he owned a local raisin packing house. In 1883, the first building was erected for the Etiwanda School District. The building was located at Etiwanda and Victoria Avenues.
Vocabulary Eucalyptus tree: A tree that is native to Australia. It was used for protection from the wind. Porch: A covered platform, usually having a separate roof, at an entrance to a building. Wind rows: Trees planted in a row for wind protection.