Road to Enlightenment Consumers feel bus advertising is appropriate for many products & brands and rationalise why Bus advertising is effective nationally People welcome, notice and remember it They respond to it They place high value on it A good creative idea will work on bus Consumers feel bus works for all products 80% of consumers have responded to a bus ad Source: The Road to Enlightenment Research (2007 QMedia) Consumers perceive bus to be a premium outdoor format Bus advertising is effective nationallyConsumers welcome, notice and remember bus ads 79% of consumers across GB prefer buses with ads 86% of consumers can spontaneously talk in detail about a specific bus ad & over half of these consumers talked about an ad seen in the last 3 days On average consumers come into contact with bus ads on 5 different occasions throughout the day 77% of consumers see bus advertising while commuting Consumers believe buses are an important part of the community, are modern and are for everyone Impact & brand appeal similar across OOH formats Impressive & high Impact Makes me like brand more Makes me like brand less Unimpressive & low Impact Bus advertising captures and captivates consumers on the move across Britain Index on shopping Mall 6 sheet What the research told us Consumers imagined they were an advertiser & estimated the cost of placing ads on various OOH formats for 2 weeks. A benchmark figure was provided for a shopping mall 6 sheet (Index 100), then consumers attached a value for other OOH formats (red line). Bus was perceived as a high value medium. When compared with actual ratecard costs (yellow line) the difference between Consumers Perceived Value & Industry Ratecard Value is greatest for bus Industry depths followed by 3 stage consumer survey 10 GB consumer focus groups and online chat forum Online quantitative survey of 1,162 consumers aged from 23 GB cities and their surrounding areas Consumers welcome bus advertising and as such freely admit how they respond to it This may be a direct purchase as a result of the ad or looking for more information online Bus ads create word of mouth as consumers tell us that they talk to each other about them Consumers come into contact with bus ads throughout the day in various scenarios, moods and mindsets and as such is perceived to be a fantastic medium for product consideration and brand building Brands will therefore benefit from this added value premium price association Consumers were asked to rate various campaign poster and press award winning ads. Each respondent would only rate the ad on one format but we discovered that the scores were very similar across all OOH formats proving that a good creative idea will work on all outdoor In the industry depth interviews there was a consensus that bus was very appropriate for specific product categories such as films or high street retail but some categories were perhaps not as suitable Consumers overwhelmingly believed that bus was extremely appropriate for a very wide range of product categories/brands and could rationalise why –Food ads for reaching them at different times of day in places they can act on –Quirky brands as bus was seen as a fun medium –New products or brand launches as bus is seen by so many people and is great for raising awareness