O let us keep the feast, for Christ our lamb was slain, the paschal lamb without a stain. So let us keep the feast! [Sing to the Lord 378]


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Presentation transcript:

O let us keep the feast, for Christ our lamb was slain, the paschal lamb without a stain. So let us keep the feast! [Sing to the Lord 378]

not with the yeast of spite while we in solemn truth unite. 2. O let us keep the feast, not with the yeast of spite while we in solemn truth unite. So let us keep the feast!

that we may prove renewed within. So let us keep the feast! declaring war on sin, that we may prove renewed within. So let us keep the feast! Sing to the Lord 378 Projected with permission Text: John Goris, 1990, © Sing to the Lord, 2012 Tune: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1807, adapt.