Collective Worship Time
We gather together:
let us pray Thank you Jesus that you are the best King we could ask for. Thank you that you want to be with us in our hearts. Thank you that you love us and will always be with us. We invite you to be the King of our hearts. Help us to follow your ways and live well in your Kingdom. Amen
We listen 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Listen carefully to the Gospel of the Lord. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ Matthew 5:8
We respond Pope Francis has described the heart as the place where we are truly ourselves and that this is where God meets us, if we let Him. When we allow Christ into our lives – when we allow Him to become the King of our hearts - we experience the joy, peace, mercy and love that He brings. Sunday 26th November was the Feast of Christ the King which ends the Church’s liturgical year. The year ends on a real high point and celebrates the Kingdom of God in all its richness before beginning the new Liturgical year with the reflective season of Advent.
We respond Think about the Gospel that Mrs.Weir shared today. How will you let Christ into your heart this week? Try to treat everyone you meet as if they were God.
We go forth God our father, I come to say, Thank you for your love today. Thank you for my family And all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night And in the morning send your light. St. Wilfrid, Patron of our School, pray for us