Continuation of Microsoft Excel Using Formulas
Opening a Workbook Open existing file (Ctrl + O). choose the Classes drive, 4students choose Comp Lit folder choose Excel folder choose the file named mcdonalds click Open Save document (Ctrl + S). choose your directory, create excel folder Make sure mcdonalds is the file name. Click the Save button.
Formatting a Spreadsheet 4-line heading column headings bold and underline cell borders single rule math to be done double rule no more math
Entering a Formula by clicking click in E7 hit = sign on keyboard click on C7 hit * on keyboard click on D7 hit enter
Using Autofill click on E7 position mouse over bottom-right corner pointer changes to black plus sign click and drag to copy formula to two cells below
Copying Formulas highlight E7 to E9 right-click in highlighted area click copy
Pasting Formulas right- click in E12 choose Paste
Using Autosum click in E10 click on Autosum verify that E7:E9 is chosen hit enter Autosum E15
Entering Formula by keying click in E16 key formula to add subtotals =E10+E15 hit enter