Evaluate and Judge - A look at evaluating advertising techniques Lit and Comp Evaluate and Judge - A look at evaluating advertising techniques
Avant Garde Advertisers suggest that using this product puts the user ahead of the times . . . Be the first on the block to have the newest SUV Be the first to have the latest cell phone
Bandwagon Advertisers suggest that everyone is using their product and you should too. Credit card company quotes the number of people using their card
Time Crunch Take action now, or lose the opportunity for good! This offer is only available to the first 100 callers …
Red Herring Highlighting a small detail or add –on in order to draw attention away from the main issue/point. Call in the next 10 minutes, and we’ll throw in this set of ginsu knives, an added $100 value!!!
Facts and Figures The advertiser uses statistics and factual information to prove the superiority of the product A car manufacturer quotes the amount of time it takes for their car to get from 0-60. Insurance commercials!
Glittering Generalities “Weasel words” used to suggest a positive meaning without actually making any guarantee. A diet product may help you lose weight (*results not typical) Medications
Hidden Fears Advertisers suggest that this product will protect the user from some danger Ring around the collar “What’s in your wallet” Identity theft Rogaine Aspen Dental
Magic Ingredients Advertiser suggests some ingredient or discovery makes the product especially effective. Batteries Starbucks
Patriotism – AKA flag waving The advertiser suggests that purchasing this product proves your love for your country
Obtain Disapproval Convincing the audience to disapprove of an action/idea by linking it to a hated or feared group. Don’t vote for candidate A. He accepted donations from ___. He voted against your 1-10 amendment rights. He hates everything you stand for. Basically, he’s the devil, and everyone who stands with him is a chump …
Plain Folks Advertiser suggests that the product is practical or of good value for ordinary people. A cereal manufacturer shows an ordinary family sitting down to breakfast and enjoying its product.
Snob Appeal The advertiser suggests that use of the product makes the user part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle. Coffee manufacturer shows people dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos drinking their brand at an art gallery.
Card Stacking Concentrating on only the good as if there’s no opposing view or competition. No batteries last longer than ____. There is simply no better truck on the market.
Transfer Technique Words and ideas with positive associations are used to suggest the positive qualities should be associated with the product and the user. Corona
Testimonial A famous personality is used to endorse the product.
Wit and Humor Customers are attracted to products that divert the audience by giving viewers a reason to laugh or to be entertained by clever use of visuals or language.
Works Cited List http://www.lhmopars.com/MOPAR_Ads/69beead.html cache.tias.com/stores/ rbads/pictures/720153a.jpg http://www.javelinamx.com/JavHome/articles/70gremad.jpg limbshipplace.motime.com/ archive/2005-03 http://rulingcatsanddogs.com/contents/funny-pics/page-5/large/puppy-chow-advertisement.jpg http://www.bambootrading.com/cars/c70-95.jpg http://www.rareads.com/scans/5794.jpg www.adclassix.com/ ads2/70mercurycougarxr7.htm