Critical Telecoms Issues for Grid Control Roger Bryant, Southern Company
UTC – Utilities Technology Council A global trade association Dedicated to serving critical infrastructure providers Creates a favorable business, regulatory and technological environment for its members Through advocacy, education, and collaboration Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Critical Issues for Telecoms Grid Control Telecom is an enabler Threats to telecom Regulation Carriers transition services Equipment availability
Telecom Networks Enable Grid Protection Modern Grid Protection = Fast, Reliable, Voluminous Data FLISR, Synchrophasors, OMS… DERs – Grid Stabilization Massive data volumes Smart Meters Synchrophasors Protection data requires: Reliability Integrity Low & predictable latency
Wireless Telecom Networks Are Critical Wired telecoms not always available MV networks Remote areas Capital expenditures Speed to deploy Wired or wireless – protection required! Same data requirements Same latency requirements
Technical Threats to Wireless Carriers sunset legacy services Equipment makers follow suit Private networks starved of equipment Packet-switched networks emerge Non-deterministic IT-enabled devices assume IP telecoms IT technology introduced into an OT world Protection over a non-deterministic network
Regulatory Threats to Wireless Poor collaboration: energy & telecoms FCC rulings disrupt utility telecoms Other industries crave wireless spectrum Critical infrastructure needs not adequately considered Poor collaboration within energy sector Windmills permitted within a microwave path No incentive to collaborate Post-implementation discovery is expensive
1 Utility – 3 disruptions! 1993: FCC rules in favor of Broadband PCS Lost use of 1850-1990 MHz range 2003: FCC rules in favor of AWS Loss of 2110-2155 MHz range Loss of 2155-2180 MHz range Relocated to 2.4 GHz Unlicensed, overused Each relocation is a redesign
The Same Utility – still challenged! Migrated to licensed 6 GHz Utilities, railroads, pipelines, … Protection, SCADA, LMR FCC issues waiver for 6 GHz band Higher Ground LLC - SatPaq Potential interference Staff decision, no commissioners involved Another redesign coming? Trade associations are actively contesting this waiver
Spectrum New Standards Increasing Requirements Disparate spectrum bands available today Need access to: Sufficient licensed spectrum Protected from interference
One Size Does Not Fit All Fault Indicator – latency need varies: Minutes: indicate fault location to lineworker Seconds: Auto-reconfigure distribution system Cycles: Change relay settings So: Requirements differ even for a single asset 5G is coming! Latencies as low as 1 second 1 000 000 devices per km2 20 Gbps downlink Technical specs by 2020
Case Study: Private LTE Southern Linc, subsidiary of Southern Co. Replace 20-year-old private wireless Originally voice, now at end-of-life LTE: spectrally efficient, SCADA-level latencies Large eco-system: support available Anchor applications: SCADA & Voice Substations Line devices Bandwidth to support cybersecurity Distribution SCADA live, full buildout by 2020
Non-Technical Challenges IT capabilities in an OT world Diverse cultures Jobs change – livelihoods at stake? Staffing and training New utility roles – e.g., data scientist Packet-switched networking Other utilities have already been there – talk! Executive Support is Critical
Advocate – inside your utility Who is responsible to influence regulations? Explain what’s at stake Failure scenarios due to telecommunications What is your utility is doing to ensure reliable telecommunications?
Find a common voice One utility speaking – might be heard 3,200 electric utilities in the U.S. Trade associations: EEI, APPA, NRECA LPPC UTC Make sure that your utility is involved