Primary care screening for peripheral arterial disease: a cross-sectional observational study by Jane H Davies, Jonathan Richards, Kevin Conway, Joyce E Kenkre, Jane EA Lewis, and E Mark Williams BJGP Volume 67(655):e103-e110 January 26, 2017 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
Recruitment process. aTime and financial limitations of the study prevented invitation and consideration of full list of 3097 patients. Recruitment process.aTime and financial limitations of the study prevented invitation and consideration of full list of 3097 patients. CVD = cardiovascular disease. PAD = peripheral arterial disease. PI = primary investigator. SD = standard deviation. Jane H Davies et al. Br J Gen Pract 2017;67:e103-e110 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
QRISK2 score for participants with PAD. CV = cardiovascular. QRISK2 score for participants with PAD. CV = cardiovascular. PAD = peripheral arterial disease. Jane H Davies et al. Br J Gen Pract 2017;67:e103-e110 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice