National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Kristin Beck 9:00 – 9:15: Eat, be merry, wake up! 9:15 – 10:00: Presentation 10:00 – 10:20: Register in FastLane 10:20 – 11:00: Questions, Work on application
Overview What is the NSF Graduate Fellowship program? Program goals Eligibility How to apply Deadlines Proposal elements
NSF Graduate Fellowship Program Supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science and engineering: Computer & Information Science & Engineering Chemistry Physics & Astronomy Engineering Psychology Geosciences Social Sciences Life Sciences STEM Education & Materials Research Learning Research Mathematical Sciences
Program Goals Select, recognize and financially support individuals early in their careers with the demonstrated potential to be high achieving scientist and engineers Broaden participation in science and engineering of underrepresented groups (women, minorities, persons with disabilities, veterans)
Program Offers Funding for 3 (out of 5 years of graduate school) Stipend: $34,000/year Tuition: $12,000/year
Eligibility Earned bachelor’s degree in a science or engineering field prior to Fall 2019 Awardees must be enrolled in a graduate program the U.S. in an eligible field by Fall 2019 (confirmation due by May 1, 2019) U.S. Citizenship Maximum of three years of support, over five years Announcement date: April 2019 Individuals may apply as an undergraduate senior, as well as post-baccalaureate (before beginning graduate training); May apply in start of 2nd year of grad. school Effective as the 2017 competition, graduate students are limited to only one application
How to Apply Must register with FastLane Need three reference letters by approx. November 6 (submitted electronically through FastLane GRFP Application Module) Submit the following through the FastLane GRFP Application Module: Personal Information; Education and Other Experiences; Background and Future Goals Statement; Graduate Research Plan Statement; Eligibility Statement; Transcripts; Names & Emails of References
Standard Application Information 8.5” x 11” page size 12-point font, Times New Roman 10-point font may be used for references, footnotes, figure captions and text within figures 1” margin on all sides Single spaced or greater
Proposal Sections Personal, Relevant Background, and Future Goals 3 pages Graduate Research Plan Statement 2 pages Page limits include references, citations, charts, figures, images, list of publications and presentations Eligibility Statement For applicants who have completed more than 12 months of graduate study and meet the extenuating circumstance requirement 1 page
Proposal Sections Transcripts Three Reference Letters Required for all institutions listed by the applicant in the FastLane GRFP Module Required from baccalaureate institution and for all graduate work with a start date prior to the Fall 2018 term Redact personally identifiable information (date of birth, SSN) before uploading Three Reference Letters From non-family members Uploaded by reference 2 page limit per letter Should address NSF Merit Review Criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts, include details explaining nature of relationship,
Proposal Sections Three Reference Letters From non-family members Uploaded by reference 2 page limit per letter Should address NSF Merit Review Criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts, include details explaining nature of relationship, comments on the applicant’s potential for contributing to a globally-engaged US science and engineering workforce, applicant’s academic potential and prior research experiences, statements about applicant’s proposed research. Recommended you provide a copy of your application materials to your reference
Review Criteria What is the potential for the proposed activity to: Advance knowledge & understanding within its own field or others Benefit to society or advance desired societal outcomes Proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts Plan for carrying out proposed activities well-reasoned, well-organized, and based on sound rationale? Plan to assess success? How well qualified is in the individual or team? Adequate resources available to carry out the research?
Deadlines October 21 October 22 October 24 October 25 Geosciences; Life Sciences October 22 Computer and Information Science and Engineering; Engineering; Materials Research October 24 Social Sciences; Psychology; STEM Education & Learning October 25 Chemistry; Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy
How to register in FastLane We will do it now!
Personal Statement 3 Pages: Introductory paragraph Personal, Professional, Educational Experiences Competencies, Team/Interdisciplinary Skills, Leadership Career Aspirations Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts Concluding Paragraph
Research Plan 2 pages Title Keywords Introduction Hypothesis Anticipated Results Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts References (Literature Citations)
Statement Hints Clearly Label Statement Headings Keep in mind that NSF does not just seek to fund scientists and engineers; NSF seeks to fund future STEM leaders. Be yourself. Use appropriate scientific form (hypothesis, figures, references) in the Graduate Research Statement. Don't get bogged down in the specifics, or be overly technical. Develop a consistent theme in both of the statements. Be concise and format your statements effectively. Remember that reviewers will have limited time to read your application. Clearly labeling different sections and addressing explicitly each requirement will make the statement more effective and clear for reviewers. Keep in mind that NSF does not just seek to fund scientists and engineers; NSF seeks to fund future STEM leaders. Use the statements to show leadership potential, self-starter capabilities, and the ability to work well with others (scientists, students, people in the community, etc.). Show passion, motivation for a STEM career, and initiative in your past research and other experiences. Be yourself. An application that conveys a clear sense of who you are as a person, with a narrative that has energy and flow, will generally be better received than an application that is impersonal and flat. Remember that the GRFP recognizes individuals based on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. That is, the potential of individuals is evaluated, not just the proposed research. Use appropriate scientific form (hypothesis, figures, references) in the Graduate Research Statement. Don't get bogged down in the specifics, or be overly technical. Instead of elaborate details on theory, focus on the rationale for your studies and the existing literature as it supports your proposed work. While reviewers will generally be knowledge experts in your general field, they probably will not be experts in your specific proposed research topic. Develop a consistent theme in both of the statements, weaving together your personal story with your academic and career plans and past experiences to make a compelling case why NSF should award you the fellowship. The decision will be based on your demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. Keep in mind that reviewers will read your complete application package.
Questions & Contact Info Kristin Beck 906-227-1893