Apostrophes How and when to use them
What is an apostrophe? It looks like a comma – ‘ – but we place it above the line of writing. It takes up the space of a letter. It is used for various reasons.
Why do we use them? To show who owns what (possession) This is Jane’s cat. To fill in for missing letters (contractions) She’s gone to the cinema with her friends.
Contractions When two words are joined together in a shorter form. The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter(s). I am (I’m) They are (They’re) Do not (don’t)
Be careful! Don’t confuse its and it’s Whose and who’s its (possessive – its edges were sharp) it’s (it is, it has) Whose and who’s Whose book is this? Who’s coming to dinner.
Test Yourself You are - ? Will not - ? I would - ? I had - ? We have - ? I shall not - ?
Test Yourself Shes got her mothers good looks, hasnt she? Its the princesss birthday today, isnt it? The womens Keep Fit Class opens today.
Homework Find some examples of the misuse of apostrophes:- many people put an apostrophe when they just need to add an ‘s’ to make a plural. e.g. PC’s, 1940’s, CD’s You only use an apostrophe to show possession or that you have missed out some letters.