How to Submit an Event Evaluation 2016 Resident Assistant Weebly Training
Step One: Choose Your Hall When you enter the Residential Life and Housing webpage choose the Community Building tab for the drop down menu. Select Submit an Event Evaluation. On the next page start your event evaluation by choosing what hall the event evaluation is for. This is so a copy of the event evaluation can be sent to your area director, resident director, and residential education director.
Step Two: Important Information Required Please indicate here the event planners name and email address. This way the people receiving the event evaluation know who’s is sending the event evaluation. Remember to include the event date and title of the event as well.
Step 3: Curriculum Information It is here that you want to indicate what learning goals and learning objectives were met with this event.
Step 4: Logistics Next you will input the location of the event, the time the event was at, how many students attended the event, how many staff members attended the event and if you used petty cash for this event.
Step 5: Reflection What happened during the event: explain what the event was and how it went. Would you change anything? What went really well? How did you assess the learning: explain what tools you used or how you were able to gauge student learning. What did residents learn?: explain what you were hoping that students would learn from the event and then reflect on what they did learn. Did they learn more than you thought? Less than you thought?
Step 6: Photo’s and Other Information It’s here that you want to attach photos from your events and any other documents that you used. Documents could include tools for assessment, emails to outside presenters, or other documentation that your RD may require. When you are finished attaching items, click on submit and you are done.