Dependent v. Independent Variables What’s the difference?
What is a Variable? Simply, something that varies. Specifically, variables represent persons or objects that can be manipulated, controlled, or merely measured for the sake of research. Variation: How much a variable varies. Those with little variation are called constants.
Independent Variables These variables are ones that are more or less controlled. You might manipulate these variables as needed. They still vary, but the variation is relatively known (like seconds, or days) It is easy to figure the next independent variable.
Dependent Variables Dependent variables are not controlled or manipulated, but instead are simply measured. Dependent Variables depend on what the independent variable is.
Independent V. Dependent Intentionally manipulated Controlled Vary at known rate Cause Intentionally left alone Measured Vary at unknown rate Effect
Graphing Dependent v. Independent Variables
Example Time to roll down the ramp 5 10 15 20 25 Height of a ramp (cm)
Summary Independent is the x axis Independent is the x coordinate Dependent is the y axis Dependent is the y coordinate