Imperialists Divide Africa Pages 305-309
In your notebook & using the glossary (whenever possible), define the following terms: Nationalism Imperialism Racism Social Darwinism Berlin Conference Shaka Boer Boer War
Divided into hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups Spoke more than 1000 languages Large empires that united many ethnic groups to small villages Europe controlled less than 10% of the land as late as 1880 Large networks of trade What was Africa like before imperialism?
What were motives behind the European race for colonies What were motives behind the European race for colonies? What were technological advantages Europeans had over Africans? Economic competition National pride Social Darwinism Missionary impulse Superior weapons Railroads Cables Steamships Medicine
Diversity of culture and language Low levels of technology Tribal competition & warfare 1880 1867- France discovers diamonds in Sudan 1886- France discovers gold in Sudan Other countries want the $$$$ What were internal factors that made Africa vulnerable to Europeans conquest? When did the rush for African territory begin? How did it begin?
What were outcomes of the Berlin Conference? How were colonies shaped? Africa is divided between 14 countries Arbitrary distribution of African language and ethnic groups African way of life change forever by European influences By the demand for raw materials
1878 1913
What groups were clashing over South Africa What groups were clashing over South Africa? What were 2 outcomes of the Boer War? Zulu (late 1700s-late 1800s)- Chief Shaka used highly trained warriors to create a centralized state. Boers- Dutch settlers British settlers South Africa became self- governing Dutch lost control to British