Clemens Vasters Technical Lead, Service Bus.NET Services BB12
Service Orchestration Service Orchestration Service Registry NamingNaming Federated Identity and Access Control Messaging Fabric ClientsClients MS/3 rd Party Services MS/3 rd Party Services On-Premise ESB ESBESB Desktop, RIA, Web Desktop, RIA, & Web Your Services
Sender Receiver ? Machine Firewall Network Firewall Network Address Translation Dynamic IP
Service Registry NamingNaming Federated Identity and Access Control Messaging Fabric
HttpTransportBindingElement HttpRelayTransportBindingElement SymmetricSecurity- BindingElement TextMessageEncoding- BindingElement ReliableSessionBindingElement SymmetricSecurity- BindingElement TextMessageEncoding- BindingElement ReliableSessionBindingElement WSHttpBinding WSHttpRelayBinding Listener: SB Internal Socket Binding Client Channel: HttpTransport- BindingElement Listener: System.Net. HttpListener Client Channel: System.Net. WebRequest Same binding elements Different Transport
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// outbound connect one-way net.tcp TCP/SSL 828 Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes TCP/SSL 808/828 outbound connect bidi socket Msg NAT Firewall Dynamic IP Subscribe Route NLB
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// outbound connect one-way net.tcp TCP/SSL 828 Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes TCP/SSL 808/828 outbound connect bidi socket Msg NAT Firewall Dynamic IP Subscribe Route NLB Listener Socket Connection Similar to WCF NetTcpBinding Full-duplex communication path.NET Framing message delineation.NET Binary encoding SSL channel overlaid on socket Always connects to port 828 on SB Port # will change before V1 OnewayRelayTransportBindingElement tries to reconnect as needed when connection drops Listener Socket Connection Similar to WCF NetTcpBinding Full-duplex communication path.NET Framing message delineation.NET Binary encoding SSL channel overlaid on socket Always connects to port 828 on SB Port # will change before V1 OnewayRelayTransportBindingElement tries to reconnect as needed when connection drops
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// outbound connect one-way net.tcp TCP/SSL 828 Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes TCP/SSL 808/828 outbound connect bidi socket Msg NAT Firewall Dynamic IP Subscribe Route NLB Sender Socket Connection Uses NetTcpBinding underneath Full-duplex communication path.NET Framing message delineation.NET Binary encoding SSL channel overlaid on socket Connects to port 808 on SB: Open Connects to port 828 on SB: SSL Port #s will change before V1 Oneway transport tries to reconnect as needed when connection drops Sender Socket Connection Uses NetTcpBinding underneath Full-duplex communication path.NET Framing message delineation.NET Binary encoding SSL channel overlaid on socket Connects to port 808 on SB: Open Connects to port 828 on SB: SSL Port #s will change before V1 Oneway transport tries to reconnect as needed when connection drops
Service Bus Sender Receiver outbound connect one-way net.tcp HTTPS 443 Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes TCP/SSL 808/828 create buffer Msg Subscribe Route NLB Message Buffer Msg subscribe poll + demux
Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Receiver Relay HTTP Listener HTTP Socket Forwarder MB Factory Extender Message Buffer Create Subscribe SOAP CreateMessageBuffer Operation Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-CREATEMB SOAP CreateMessageBuffer Operation Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-CREATEMB Check Token Create
Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Service Bus Receiver sb:// 1 1 HTTP-Socket Forwarder HTTPS 443 NLB Message Buffer Ctrl 4 4 HTTPS request 6 6 Message Buffer resides on the Service Bus node that received the Create request.
Service Bus Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes HTTPS 443 NLB Message Buffer HTTPS request Subscribe SOAP Subscribe Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-SUBSCRIBE SOAP Subscribe Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-SUBSCRIBE
Service Bus sb| Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Message Buffer 4 4 Sender TCP/SSL 808/828 Msg HTTPS 80/443 any one-way sender mode Route SOAP Relayed Oneway Any Operation HTTP Relayed Oneway X-MS-Identity-Token Any method (except GET) SOAP Relayed Oneway Any Operation HTTP Relayed Oneway X-MS-Identity-Token Any method (except GET)
Service Bus Receiver Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes HTTPS 443 NLB Message Buffer HTTPS request Request is parked until (a) Timeout expires (30s max) or (b) At least one message available Request is parked until (a) Timeout expires (30s max) or (b) At least one message available SOAP RetrieveMessages Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-RETRIEVE Options Timeout Encoding MaxMessages SOAP RetrieveMessages Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token X-Http-Method-Equiv: X-RETRIEVE Options Timeout Encoding MaxMessages
Service Bus Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes HTTPS 443 NLB Message Buffer HTTPS request Available Response Encodings SOAP BareEnvelopeSequence Bare envelopes inside response body WrappedEnvelopeSequence Envelopes wrapped in inside body HTTP MimeMultipart multipart/mixed with application/http (complete incoming requests) MimeApplicationHttp application/http (complete incoming requests) RequestAsResponse Incoming request mapped onto retrieval response. Available Response Encodings SOAP BareEnvelopeSequence Bare envelopes inside response body WrappedEnvelopeSequence Envelopes wrapped in inside body HTTP MimeMultipart multipart/mixed with application/http (complete incoming requests) MimeApplicationHttp application/http (complete incoming requests) RequestAsResponse Incoming request mapped onto retrieval response. Response
Service Bus Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes HTTPS 443 NLB Message Buffer HTTPS request Renew Renew Operation Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token Options Timeout Renew Renew Operation Plain HTTP POST X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token Options Timeout Renewal follows WS-* patterns MB expires after <30 minutes Requires explicit renewal Renewal follows WS-* patterns MB expires after <30 minutes Requires explicit renewal GetStatus GetStatus Operation Plain HTTP GET X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token Returns Expiration GetStatus GetStatus Operation Plain HTTP GET X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token Returns Expiration Delete Delete Operation Plain HTTP DELETE X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token Delete Delete Operation Plain HTTP DELETE X-Process-At X-MS-Identity-Token
Clemens Vasters Service Bus Technical Lead.NET Services
OnewayRelayTransport- BindingElement CompositeDuplexBindingElement BinaryMessageEncoding- BindingElement … … Custom Binding Listener: SB Internal Socket Binding Client Channel: TcpTransport- BindingElement
Clemens Vasters Service Bus Technical Lead.NET Services
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Ctrl Socket-Socket Forwarder outbound socket connect outbound socket rendezvous Ctrl TCP/SSL 818 Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg NLB
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Ctrl relayed connect Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg relayed rendezvous TCP/SSL 818, 819 NAT Probing NAT Traversal Connection upgrade
Service Bus Sender Receiver sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes Ctrl HTTP-Socket Forwarder HTTP HTTPS request outbound socket rendezvous Ctrl HTTP/S 80/443 Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg Oneway Rendezvous Ctrl Msg NLB
Service Registry NamingNaming Federated Identity and Access Control Messaging Fabric
Clemens Vasters Service Bus Technical Lead.NET Services
Service Bus sb:// Backend Naming Routing Fabric Frontend Nodes How does this part work?
Management & Deployment Fabric
SB Replication Neighborhood Unicast: Point to point Multicast: Routed along ring Distributed Hash Table Names hash to nodes
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