Interactive Student (Science) Notebooks for Mrs. Hutchins-Trapp’s class
Have you ever heard yourself say ? I can't find my . . . notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure its in . . . my locker . . . my book bag . . . my room . . . I was absent last week, did I miss anything?
Well Here's Your Answer.. Science Notebook Interactive Notebook
What is an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)? is like a personalized textbook that you create helps you keep your notes organized and easy to use is a portfolio to showcase what you've learned in science class
What is an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)? An ISN: is like a personalized textbook that you create helps you keep your notes organized and easy to use is a portfolio to showcase what you've learned in science class
What's the Point? to help you learn and remember important science concepts allow you to interact with with content using the LEFT side of the notebook to react, reflect, organize, and interpret what's on the RIGHT side of the notebook
How Does an ISN Work? Your ISN is set up with a left-side/right side orientation. The right side is for input, or information that is given to you by Mrs. Hutchins-Trapp The left side is for output, this is where you process what you have learned in your own way.
Left-Side/Right-Side Setup Left Side (Output) Questions to ask for the LEFT SIDE: What do I already know about this topic? What questions does this raise for me? How can I organize this information? How can I picture this information? How can I paraphrase and summarize this information? What's my hook for remembering this information? What more do I need to know? Right Side (Input) Setting up the RIGHT SIDE: Always record the date in the upper right-hand corner of each page Record the day's Learning Objectives at the top of the page Make sure all pages are numbered (left and right) Don't forget to record each entry in the Table of Contents!
Left-Side/Right-Side Setup Left Side (Output) Examples of LEFT SIDE content: Brainstorming Sketches Graphic Organizers Mind Maps Cartoons/Doodle Poetry/Song lyrics Concept Maps Venn Diagram Flow Chart Metaphors & Analogies Mnemonic Devices Guided Practice Problems Assignments Journal entry or reflection Exit ticket problems Right Side (Input) Examples of RIGHT SIDE content: Class Notes Guided Notes Two-Column Notes Graphic Organizers Handouts Example Problems Content for a science foldable Vocabulary
What Do I Need to Get Started? To make your ISN, you'll need the following materials: Composition Notebook colored pencils scissors tape You will use a folder to keep up with your test/quiz log and other bulky papers.
How Will I Be Graded? You are responsible for: making sure your ISN has all items (even when you are absent) assignments class work notes etc. keeping Table of Contents up to date dating and numbering all right hand pages keeping notebook neat and organized storing notebook in binder or folder and bringing to class EVERY DAY
How Will I Be Graded? Informal Checks usually one per week usually one per week worth 4 points 4 - all pages are thorough and complete 3 - most pages are thorough and complete (may be missing learning objectives or one assignment) 2 - some pages are complete 1 - few/no pages complete Formal Checks once or twice per nine weeks weighted more than informal checks using rubric Learning Grade & Effort Grade
What Happens If I Am Absent? Check the "While You Were Out" Station for any handouts, etc. See a trusted friend to copy notes Check Mrs. Hutchins-Trapp’s copy of the ISN to see what yours should look like
What If I Lose My ISN? Tell me as soon as possible! Do not quit working on assignments Stay after school or during lunch to get help rebuilding your notebook
What If I Lose My ISN? Tell me as soon as possible! Do not quit working on assignments Stay after school or during lunch to get help rebuilding your notebook
What If I Lose My ISN? Tell me as soon as possible! Do not quit working on assignments Stay after school or during lunch to get help rebuilding your notebook
Pop Quiz! True or False? The Interactive Student Notebook is just a place for you to store notes given to you. The left side of the notebook is for output, where you show what you have learned in your own way. If you lose or misplace your Interactive Notebook, you should wait until you find it to complete assignments. You only need to bring your Interactive Notebook to class on Mondays.
Getting started - Step 1: My Name My Grade On the cover write your name and grade. For a challenge, you may decorate the front and back however you want. Science Notebook
Step 2: L “1st Page” “Inside Cover” Starting with the first page, number the first 25 pages. Numbers should be small and at the top outside corner of every page. L “Back of 1st Page” 1 R 2 “Inside Cover” “1st Page”
At the top of pages 2 & 3 and back of 2 write Step 3: At the top of pages 2 & 3 and back of 2 write Table of Contents Right Left Table of Contents 1 Date Topic Page Table of Contents Date Topic Page Table of Contents 2 Date Topic Page 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents Inside Cover
Class Assignment On page one, complete an “All about me” page. This page should highlight the awesome things about you! On the back of page one, complete a visual representation of lab safety and its rules. What stuck with you from yesterday’s lesson?
Step 4 Tonight’s Challenge Decorate the cover and back of YOUR Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) Mrs. Hutchins-Trapp is Great
Real Scientists Use Notebooks