Networking 101: How to Get Connected
Assess In a Nutshell: Smile Professional Interesting Ready Engaging A: Assess your environment and the people you’re with. Being an attentive and observant listener is a crucial part of networking. S: Remember to smile and keep your body language open! P: Be professional! Be mindful of the way you’re acting and how you come off to other people--if you wouldn’t say or do it in the office, don’t do or say it here. I: You’re more interesting than you think! Remember to be confident in yourself and your abilities. And if you’re not feeling very confident in yourself, fake it ‘til you make it! E: Be engaging! Remember to ask questions, take initiative, and be a connector!
Three P’s!: Prepared, Purposeful Professional Do your research. Have a goal in mind. Dress appropriately. Bring business cards.
Remember the three P’s (Prepared, Purposeful, Professional), and come ready with everything you need!
There are no perks to being a wallflower Take initiative. Remember to introduce yourself. Watch your body language.
Remember to smile! Don’t forget to shake hands!
Like Attracts Like Find common ground. Be a good listener. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Remember: no one likes small talk Remember: no one likes small talk! Everyone wants to skip to the part where you both get to be interesting!
Nothing wrong with a little shameless self-promotion Have your elevator pitch ready But don’t try to sell your product. Sell yourself.
The people you’re meeting with are people—not a meal-ticket to your cushy dream job!
“Oohh! Shiny!” Quality, not quantity
Don’t be rude and just ditch your conversational partner for someone else! Be a connector!
It’s not over until it’s over… Take notes Follow up within 72 hours
Now you’re ready to get networking!